osadasami / rustyvibes-packfixer

Convert one-file soundpack from mechvibes to rustyvibes soundpack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Packfixer for Rustyvibes

Use this repository if a custom Mechvibes sound-pack is using a single audio file configuration. This repository converts the audio files to a format that can be used by Rustyvibes

  1. Download soundpack
  2. Make sure config looks like that
  "sound": "purple.ogg",
  "defines": {
    "1": [
  1. Make sure filename match the one in config. "sound": "sound.ogg" -> ./soundpack/sound.ogg

  2. Rename config.json to config_old.json

  3. Run ruby main.rb cherrymx-black-abs

  4. Script will cut one audio file to multiple, will store these files in soundpack folder and will create config.json

  5. Run rustyvibes cherrymx-black-abs

  6. Enjoy




Convert one-file soundpack from mechvibes to rustyvibes soundpack


Language:Ruby 100.0%