ory / oathkeeper

A cloud native Identity & Access Proxy / API (IAP) and Access Control Decision API that authenticates, authorizes, and mutates incoming HTTP(s) requests. Inspired by the BeyondCorp / Zero Trust white paper. Written in Go.

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Support distributed cache access token when introspection

tinhtn1508 opened this issue · comments

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem

Currently I'm using ory oathkeeper & hydra for my project. The our traffic is approximately 1400 RPS, so I deployed ~10 pods ory oathkeeper (GKE) to serve them. And I'm facing a problem:

  • I can not revoke actively the token when apply cache.

My use case: I need to revoke access token after user logout, change password, forgot password or ban account. The access token should be invalid immediately.

Describe your ideal solution

Use distributed cache such as redis

Workarounds or alternatives

I implemented redis cache for my use case. When a token is introspected successfully, I cached the active token by subject.
When users logout, change password or forgot password, I'll delete this cache by subject.



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