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tunnel asks to open application from browser on login/registration flow requiring redirects

Benehiko opened this issue · comments

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

On any flow that requires a browser redirect the browser will ask to open an application instead of doing the redirect.

For example:

A login flow

A registration flow

On logout we have the same problem

Flows not affected

  • Recovery
  • Verification

I have also tested this on SPA applications which have no redirects on login, registration etc. However on logout we redirect to Kratos which opens the dialog.

Reproducing the bug

  1. spin tunnel up on localhost:4000
  2. start node express app on localhost:3000
  3. do a login/registration flow by visiting localhost:3000
  4. the browser will ask to open a new application

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

I can't reproduce this. Is the problem maybe the changes you have made to the node app?

I can't reproduce this. Is the problem maybe the changes you have made to the node app?

this also happens with the elements/react-spa example on logout. so i don't think it's related to the implementation.

I'm trying the examples from the docs and can not reproduce the problem! E2E tests for proxy are also passing

I will try with the docs examples as well quick.

The problem is with tunnel afaik - haven't tried proxy - and the e2e tests in docs do not test against tunnel.

I tested it with the tunnel and the React app. The e2e tests in Ory CLI test both proxy and tunnel :)

Tested this on another machine and it seems to work normally... not really sure what's different in my environment that could cause this 🤔

I will investigate it a bit later and report back here.