ory / cli

The Ory CLI.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Broken error message

tomekpapiernik opened this issue · comments

Preflight checklist

Describe the bug

When I tried to update the Identity Service config with an unsupported value, I got an error message that was 960 lines long.

Reproducing the bug

  1. Get Identity Service config and save it to a file. ory get identity-config XXXXX --format yaml > identity-config.yaml
  2. Change required_aal to aal2.
  3. Save the file.
  4. ory update identity-config XXXXXXX --file identity-config.yaml
  5. You get 960 lines of error

Relevant log output

The request was malformed or contained invalid parameters
Unable to validate config: I[#] S[#/oneOf] oneOf failed
  I[#] S[#/oneOf/0] validation failed
    I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/0] allOf failed
      I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/0/required] missing properties: "version"
    I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/1] allOf failed
      I[#] S[#/oneOf/0/allOf/1/$ref] doesn't validate with "static://ory.cloud.schema.json#"
        I[#/session/whoami/required_aal] S[#/properties/session/properties/whoami/properties/required_aal/$ref] doesn't validate with "#/definitions/featureRequiredAal"
          I[#/session/whoami/required_aal] S[#/definitions/featureRequiredAal/enum] value must be one of "aal1", "highest_available"
  I[#] S[#/oneOf/1] validation failed
    I[#] S[#/oneOf/1/allOf/0] allOf failed
      I[#] S[#/oneOf/1/allOf/0/required] missing properties: "version"

and so on...

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?

Ory Cloud

In which environment are you deploying?

Ory Cloud

Additional Context

No response

Sorry, wrong ping!