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Support JWT signing header key ID (kid)

znorris opened this issue · comments

Preflight checklist

Describe your problem


The most popular ruby gem for JWTs expects for incoming tokens to include a header with the key: "kid" and the value is the key ID of the signing JWK. Without that header key I'm unable to use the decode method successfully.

Describe your ideal solution

I'm hoping supporting this is as simple as creating a custom signer that adds the header.

var signerOpts = jose.SignerOptions{}
signerOpts.WithHeader("kid", someID)

Current signer: https://github.com/ory/cli/blob/master/cmd/cloud/proxy/common.go#L186

Workarounds or alternatives

The ruby lib in question doesn't appear to give me any way of specifying the key ID and is instead parsing the JWT head for it. I've been unable to find a workaround.



Additional Context

Version: v0.1.22
Git Hash: 93b27f5
Build Time: 2022-01-21T13:51:59Z

I'm not quite sure what happened to this commit over time but the KID doesn't appear to be a part of the JWT header any longer.