orrsella / sbt-sublime

An sbt plugin for generating Sublime Text projects with library dependencies sources

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SBT unable to find plugin

moreindirection opened this issue · comments

When I add the addSbtPlugin line from the Readme to plugins.sbt, I get an unresolved dependencies error.

Do I need a special resolver to use this plugin? Where are the Maven files for sbt-sublime?

The plugin is published to Maven Central, so it shouldn't require any special resolver.

It's also published to OSS Sonatype, so you can check it also if you want you (but again, this shouldn't be required). You can add the resolver by adding to your plugins.sbt file:

resolvers += "Sonatype snapshots" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"

What version os sbt/Scala are you using? As stated in the readme file, the plugin supports sbt 0.12.x and Scala 2.9.x, 2.10.

Oh I see. I'm using SBT 0.11.3. I can't use 0.12 until Play 2.1 comes out. Thanks for the quick answer!

I just checked, and the plugin works with 0.11.3 just fine. I don't want to publish it for this version tho, because then I'd have to support it in future versions and I don't want the added overhead (not sure if it'll require features that 0.11.3 doesn't have, but I don't want to limit myself).

Having said that, you can pretty easily clone it and publish locally for your own use with 0.11.3. As I said, my quick tests show it works fine. If you want to do this, just do the following:

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/orrsella/sbt-sublime.git
  2. Change sbt-sublime's project/build.properties version to 0.11.3
  3. Change sbt-sublime's build.sbt version to "1.0.3-SNAPSHOT" (the added SNAPSHOT is important)
  4. $ sbt publish-local for the sbt-sublime project
  5. Add to your own project/plugins.sbt (not the cloned sbt-sublime): addSbtPlugin("com.orrsella" % "sbt-sublime" % "1.0.3-SNAPSHOT")
  6. Start sbt in your own project, and try to use the gen-sublime command

Let me know if you have any problems.