orivej / pzmq

ZeroMQ 4.0+ Common Lisp bindings.

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Metadata for Quicklisp

hydandata opened this issue · comments

Please consider adding :description, :author and :license information to your ASDF system. This will greatly help Quicklisp users and make it easier for them to report bugs.

More information:


My "ASDF system" — the primary one — has :description, :author and :license information! Your implied claim that it does not is incorrect. However, its auxiliary systems had not. Now I described them too, and I hope that Xach will make his metadata gatherer a little bit more intelligent, so that it fills :author and :license of auxiliary systems automatically: http://www.reddit.com/r/lisp/comments/37bxu7/systems_in_red_dont_build_if_strict_checking_of/crr5kvy?context=10000

Thank you!