orivej / pzmq

ZeroMQ 4.0+ Common Lisp bindings.

Home Page:http://orivej.github.io/pzmq/doc/index.html

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Docstrings need to be paragraph filled to 80 characters

7max opened this issue · comments

Docstrings for most functions are formatted really wide, to around 120-130 characters, which leads to bad wrapping when doing C-c C-d in Slime, on a narrower width Emacs windows

Should be paragraph filled in Emacs to shorted width

Which functions do you refer to? The only outstanding examples I see are with-context and with-socket.

Which functions do you refer to? The only outstanding examples I see are with-context and with-socket.

These were probably the ones, I should have included an example because can't
remember which one it was right now.