orivej / pzmq

ZeroMQ 4.0+ Common Lisp bindings.

Home Page:http://orivej.github.io/pzmq/doc/index.html

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ASDF warnings

phoe opened this issue · comments

WARNING: System definition file #P"/home/phoe/Projects/Lisp/pzmq/pzmq.asd" contains definition for system "pzmq-compat". Please only define "pzmq" and secondary systems with a name starting with "pzmq/" (e.g. "pzmq/test") in that file.
WARNING: System definition file #P"/home/phoe/Projects/Lisp/pzmq/pzmq.asd" contains definition for system "pzmq-test". Please only define "pzmq" and secondary systems with a name starting with "pzmq/" (e.g. "pzmq/test") in that file.
WARNING: System definition file #P"/home/phoe/Projects/Lisp/pzmq/pzmq.asd" contains definition for system "pzmq-examples". Please only define "pzmq" and secondary systems with a name starting with "pzmq/" (e.g. "pzmq/test") in that file.

Resolvable by creating separate ASD files for each system.