orivej / pzmq

ZeroMQ 4.0+ Common Lisp bindings.

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Lisp error: invalid specializer (ORDERED-CONTAINER-MIXIN ARRAY)

justineuro opened this issue · comments

While following the instructions for installing the maxima-jupyter kernel similar to that described in https://github.com/robert-dodier/maxima-jupyter (Method 2), a Lisp error occurred during the installation of pzmq-20171019-git (compilation of files: grovel.c and grovel.grovel-tmp.lisp). The error message was:

 In method definition for INSERT-SEQUENCE, found an invalid specializer (ORDERED-CONTAINER-MIXIN

jupyter notebook starts and the maxima-jupyter kernel is detected but no connection was attained.

Additional info:

  • OS: Debian 8 (Jessie) LTS (until 2020)
  • maxima-sage was used instead of maxima (latter was linked to former in /usr/bin)
  • Please see attached file: 001bug-maxima-jupyter-20180803.txt for more details

Thank you in advance for any help you can give in this regard.

P.S. A similar error occured when using Method 1. Please see 002abug-maxima-jupyter-20180803.txt.

It looks like pzmq had successfully compiled, and then some unrelated error happened. (Note the dots ... after the grovel output: each dot appears after a successfully loaded package.)

I'm not sure, but you might get better diagnostics if you enable the Lisp debugger as suggested in the error message, and type :b in the ECL debugger to print the backtrace.