originalnicodr / CinematicUnityExplorer

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Research if its possible to add more granular control on the Follow object + Camera path integration

originalnicodr opened this issue · comments

Describe the issue

Right now the way it works is, that if the camera is following an object then the camera path will play relative to it regarding its position and rotation.

I tried to make both of these optional, so you can make the camera more relative to the object but the rotation to stay independent of it. The problem with that, I believe, is that the rotation would do weird stuff when playing the path. Like if it's trying to rotate based on the object is following while also trying to use the path rotations.

My hypothesis is that's due to the camera rotation being updated on different ticks with Unity heritage system vs our Catmull Rom mover class, and if we avoid using Unity native heritage system we can make both work together.

And since we are at it it might also be interesting to play around with the axis of both position and rotation, like if we want to avoid the camera to follow the object up or down (or maybe give it a window of space?). Altho we should first confirm with people who do videos if such a thing would be useful.

Separated position and rotation following on 96efbc3