orhun / git-cliff

A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications ⛰️

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

2.x series fails to work in NPM scripts

lanesawyer opened this issue · comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Description of the bug

git-cliff fails to run through an NPM script or npx.

I thought the work done to fix #591 would have resolved my problem too, but that doesn't appear to be the case. I eagerly downloaded 2.2.1 and still ran into this 😢

> npx git-cliff -c cliff.toml -o CHANGELOG.md

    throw new Error
Error: Couldn't find git-cliff binary inside node_modules for darwin-arm64 (TypeError: (intermediate value).resolve is not a function)

I see the same issue on my Linux machine too, it just complains about a different architecture (linux-x64).

I do see a git-cliff-darwin-arm64 and git-cliff-linux-x64 folders in my node_modules, and they both have executable inside so it's kinda weird... Not sure what's going on here.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. npx git-cliff@2.2.1 (although any 2.#.# version fails too)
  2. See the error

Expected behavior

git-cliff works with NPM scripts

Screenshots / Logs

No response

Software information

  • Operating system: Mac OS and Ubuntu Linux (23.10)
  • Rust version: N/A
  • Node version: v18.13.0
  • Project version: v2.2.1

Additional context

No response

Thanks for opening your first issue at git-cliff! Be sure to follow the issue template! ⛰️

Oh goodness, after a little bit of poking it turns out that it's my Node version!

It failed on the version we're on at work (v18.13.0) and what I was on at home (v16.20.1 - 😱 why was I using that one at home lol)

It worked with the latest v18 and the latest v21!

Maybe let's pivot this bug to be that the NPM version of git-cliff should add supported Node version ranges to the package.json and docs? Or should I close this and open a new issue about the Node version?

That's a contribution that I'd be willing and able to do myself 😁 Just need to decide what versions are supported

Hey, thanks for reporting and looking into this!

Maybe let's pivot this bug to be that the NPM version of git-cliff should add supported Node version ranges to the package.json and docs? Or should I close this and open a new issue about the Node version?

Are you interested in providing a pull request to mention the minimum supported Node version (which is =>18) in the NPM docs? (npm.md) I would highly appreciate that!

cc @favna for making sure about the Node version.

I did a bit of playing with things this afternoon to find which versions worked.

In an empty directory I did the following:

  1. nvm install [insert version here]
  2. Ran npx git-cliff
  3. Made sure the CLI printed the "could not find repository" message, proving the binary successfully worked, otherwise I moved on to another version

Here are the lowest version number that I found that worked on each of the current main Node releases:

  • v18.19.0
  • v20.6.0
  • v21.0.0

I wouldn't mind if someone else wanted to do a quick sanity check that I got the right versions, just in case my Ubuntu machine has a weird quirk that isn't actually a true limitation on the version numbers below those I listed. My machine is quite old and sometimes breaks in silly ways because I poke at the configurations too much 😅

Given those versions I found while experimenting, should I change the engines field on the npm binary packages.json to >=18.19 || >=20.6 || >=21 to accurately reflect the working Node versions in addition to adding to npm.md?

Could've sworn I did reply something to this thread before, but I don't see any such comment anymore. Weird. Anyway, moving on. Yes, I would recommend setting the engines to those versions.