orhanobut / wasp

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How to test Android UI using IdlingResource(Espresso) when using Wasp network requests

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Hi Orhan Abi,

Espresso is waiting for AsyncTask on network calls. Is it possible to do it on Wasp? There is same problem on Retrofit link below.


Retrofit can do it.
The most straightforward solution for this: is to basically swap out Retrofit's Thread-pool executor with an AsyncTask one.

new RestAdapter.Builder()
new MainThreadExecutor())

You can also use the same strategy.

    File cacheDir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "volley");
    Network network = new BasicNetwork(new OkHttpStack(new OkHttpClient()));

    // Inject asynctask executor
    ResponseDelivery delivery = new ExecutorDelivery(ASYNC_EXECUTOR);
    requestQueue = new RequestQueue(new DiskBasedCache(cacheDir), network, 4, delivery);

//set it during wasp init

Haven't tried but should work.