orhanobut / wasp

Compact and easy to use, 'all-in-one' android network solution

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java.io.InterruptedIOException: timeout

kevinkl opened this issue · comments

Hey all,

I have two activities (activity_main and activity_test) in my Android App (just a test application). Each of them has a button. If this will be clicked a login request will be sent over wasp to my server and then the other activity will be opened. When I start another app and then going back to the test App, I get this exception: java.io.InterruptedIOException: timeout after sending several requests again. If you wait about 10 seconds you can send request without the error (exception).

Here the full log, the first request is successful but the other ones throwing the InterruptedIOException:

07-07 08:14:50.129  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ ---> REQUEST POST https://h2211501.stratoserver.net/bachelor_webservice/resources/session/login
07-07 08:14:50.129  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Content-Type: application/json]
07-07 08:14:50.133  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Body - {"email":"tekegel@lastmail.co","password":"test12"}
07-07 08:14:50.133  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ ---> END
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- RESPONSE 200 https://h2211501.stratoserver.net/bachelor_webservice/resources/session/login
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Access-Control-Allow-Headers: auth_token, main_category_id, Content-Type]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Cache-Control: no-cache, no-transform, must-revalidate]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Connection: keep-alive]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Content-Length: 53]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Content-Type: application/json]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 08:14:50 GMT]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [OkHttp-Received-Millis: 1436256890275]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [OkHttp-Selected-Protocol: http/1.1]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [OkHttp-Sent-Millis: 1436256890141]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)]
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Body - {"auth_token":"e245bd5c-f102-4f91-8cd0-97c96c8581b7"}
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- END (Size: 53 bytes - Network time: 139 ms)
07-07 08:14:50.273  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Login﹕ e245bd5c-f102-4f91-8cd0-97c96c8581b7
07-07 08:14:50.345  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest W/EGL_genymotion﹕ eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented
07-07 08:14:50.913  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ ---> REQUEST POST https://h2211501.stratoserver.net/bachelor_webservice/resources/session/login
07-07 08:14:50.913  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Content-Type: application/json]
07-07 08:14:50.913  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Body - {"email":"tekegel@lastmail.co","password":"test12"}
07-07 08:14:50.913  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ ---> END
07-07 08:14:52.493  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ ---> REQUEST POST https://h2211501.stratoserver.net/bachelor_webservice/resources/session/login
07-07 08:14:52.493  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Header - [Content-Type: application/json]
07-07 08:14:52.493  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Body - {"email":"tekegel@lastmail.co","password":"test12"}
07-07 08:14:52.493  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ ---> END
07-07 08:14:53.421  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- ERROR
07-07 08:14:53.421  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Message - [java.io.InterruptedIOException: timeout]
07-07 08:14:53.421  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- RESPONSE 0 https://h2211501.stratoserver.net/bachelor_webservice/resources/session/login
07-07 08:14:53.421  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Body - no body
07-07 08:14:53.421  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- END (Size: 0 bytes - Network time: 5778 ms)
07-07 08:14:53.421  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest E/Login﹕ java.io.InterruptedIOException: timeout
07-07 08:14:55.993  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- ERROR
07-07 08:14:55.993  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Message - [java.io.InterruptedIOException: timeout]
07-07 08:14:55.993  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- RESPONSE 0 https://h2211501.stratoserver.net/bachelor_webservice/resources/session/login
07-07 08:14:55.993  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ Body - no body
07-07 08:14:55.993  25489-25489/com.example.root.wasptest D/Wasp﹕ <--- END (Size: 0 bytes - Network time: 7382 ms)

Here is my source code. Did I do something wrong or is it a bug?
In the following I show just the MainActivity because the other one (TestActitvity) is exactly the same except that the MainActivity will be started.


public class WaspApplication extends Application {
    private static WaspService service;

    public static WaspService getService(){
        return service;

    public void onCreate() {

        service = new Wasp.Builder(this)


public interface WaspService {

    //---Static header

    WaspRequest login(
            @Body LoginData loginData,
            Callback<LoginResponse> callBack


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private final RequestManager requestManager = new SimpleRequestManager();

    private final WaspService service = WaspApplication.getService();
    private LoginData loginData;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        loginData = new LoginData();

        Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                WaspRequest request = service.login(loginData, callbackLogin);



    private final Callback<LoginResponse> callbackLogin = new Callback<LoginResponse>() {
        public void onSuccess(Response response, LoginResponse loginResponse) {
            Log.d("Login", loginResponse.getToken());

        public void onError(WaspError waspError) {
            Log.e("Login", waspError.getErrorMessage());

    private void startTestActivity(){
        startActivity(new Intent(this, TestActivity.class));

Let us check this issue

it seems it is related to retry policy. Can you change retry policy and try? Second parameter is the retry count, can you try with 0 and check the result? If you don't get the same issue, that means you can configure retry policy regarding to your needs.

  RequestInterceptor interceptor = new SimpleInterceptor() {
      public WaspRetryPolicy getRetryPolicy() {
          return new WaspRetryPolicy(15000, 0, 1.5f);

Thanks a lot that worked! I don't get the same issue and I set the maxNumRetries to 2 for now.
Just another thing, the README says to use the dependency compile 'com.orhanobut:wasp:1.12' is this a typo hasn't it to be compile 'com.orhanobut:wasp:1.11'?

ohh thanks, yes it's typo, fixing now :)