orbitz / opass

Simple password db

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Another import filter

pdonadeo opened this issue · comments

It's just another quick hack. I have a directory full of text files, and I want to import all of them into opass, just like you do with 1password. Since the text files are not structured at all, I plan to import them as "notes".

So I wrote a quick hack to do so, and it works. Are you interested in this "feature"? I can push it tomorrow, or I can keep it in my fork.

Let me know :-)

Sorry for late reply, but sounds good, where is a commit a I can peek at?

You can find the code in my branch "import_txt", here: pdonadeo/opass@bd68fb3

Please, take a look before I send you a pull request, it's an hack, I don't know if you will like it :-)

Should I close this? Sorry for poor SLAs but I think this is handled via the import_csv?

Yes, you can close the issue, it was an horrible hack I used in my local branch to import a huge amount of old text files. It's not an interesting feature, more a personal need.