orbitdb / orbitdb

Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web

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Database stalls on traverseAndVerify()

christroutner opened this issue · comments

I'm using the latest commit to the helia branch (b105dd4) in a node.js environment. I'm seeing an inconsistent behavior in OrbitDB that causes the database to stall on startup. I've traced the issue to these two lines in the oplog traverseAndVerify() function. The Promise never resolves and the p-queue is stuck with the pending property at 1.

I'm trying to thing about possible solutions or workarounds.

  1. What is this promise resolved with a timeout? What would be the expected behavior?
  2. What is the p-queue concurrency was increased beyond 1? What would be the expected behavior?

My understanding is that this part of the code is trying to verify the DAG?

@christroutner OrbitDB has been updated with the latest Helia and Libp2p. Could you please install the latest version of OrbitDB#helia along with Helia v3 (this should install libp2p v1.1) and try your tests again.

If the problem persists, please feel free to report back here and I will reply with some follow-up questions.

Closing this issue as stale but feel free to re-open if the problem persists.