orbitdb / orbitdb

Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code snipet on the readme seems wrong

bitcoinbrisbane opened this issue · comments

Getting this error when trying to use the snippet off the readme "usage" section.


import IPFS from 'ipfs-core'
import { createOrbitDB } from '@orbitdb/core'

;(async function () {
  const ipfs = await IPFS.create()
  const orbitdb = await createOrbitDB({ ipfs })

  // Create / Open a database. Defaults to db type "events".
  const db = await orbitdb.open("hello")
  const address = db.address
  // "/orbitdb/hash"
  // The above address can be used on another peer to open the same database

  // Listen for updates from peers
  db.events.on("update", entry => {
    const all = await db.all()

  // Add an entry
  const hash = await db.add("world")

  // Query
  for await (const record of db.iterator()) {
  await db.close()
  await orbitdb.stop()

don't think we are getting the same error, but I agree the code there seems wrong or need more details about how to set it up

don't think we are getting the same error, but I agree the code there seems wrong or need more details about how to set it up

Let me try again ...

I believe that this block:

// Listen for updates from peers
  db.events.on("update", entry => {
    const all = await db.all()

should be something like the following. Note the added async:

// Listen for updates from peers
  db.events.on("update", async (entry) => {
    const all = await db.all()

if anyone gets this error

import IPFS from 'ipfs-core'
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

add "type":"module" to package.json and if you get another error like this:
SyntaxError: The requested module 'ipfs-core' does not provide an export named 'default'

import * as IPFS from 'ipfs-core'

this was fixed here. #1113

Closing issue as fixed. Feel free to re-open if the issue has not been resolved.