orazz / CreditCardForm-iOS

CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.

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Erro on publish app to AppStore

weibsons opened this issue · comments

When i try upload app to AppStore display this error. Refer to module CreditCardForm.

ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed at all. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html"

ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed at all. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Security/Conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html"

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldEvent.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldEvent.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldBlock.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldBlock.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldStatus.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldStatus.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldBlockCharacter.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldBlockCharacter.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskField.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskField.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/Utilities.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/Utilities.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/CreditCardFormView.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/CreditCardFormView.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/CreditCardValidationType.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/CreditCardValidationType.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldPatternCharacter.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldPatternCharacter.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/CreditCardValidator.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/CreditCardValidator.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldUtility.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '[my-app].app/Frameworks/CreditCardForm.framework/AKMaskFieldUtility.o' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure."


Please, update pod (to version CreditCardForm 0.0.8) and try again...It should work!


@weibsons did you upload?

I also got same error.
And also not able to install a version above 0.0.6.
It gives error when trying to install above version using pod.


@varunmehta77 What error did you get? show me screenshots...

I got the same error with CreditCardForm (0.0.6). My CreditCardForm pod version is updated. Here is the screenshot

screen shot 2017-02-24 at 7 31 47 pm

But after updating to 0.0.8 app has been uploaded
In build settings set ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT STANDARD_LIBRARIES TO $(inherited)

screen shot 2017-02-25 at 10 20 16 am