orazz / CreditCardForm-iOS

CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.

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Crash when using build from TestFlight

namansl opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,

I am archiving and uploading the build on TestFlight.
Whenever, I use the uploaded build from TestFlight, I am getting a crash in STPPaymentTextField class.
However, I am not getting a crash when I use a build installed from the diawi link.

I used Crashlytics for recording the crashes on my production build.
The following is the response I received from Crashlytics

Crashed: com.apple.main-thread
0  Stripe                         0xab25c STPPaymentCardTextField.brandImageView.getter + 4356682332 (<compiler-generated>:4356682332)
1  Stripe                         0xac09c STPPaymentCardTextField.commonInit() + 635 (STPPaymentCardTextField.swift:635)
2  Stripe                         0xabdc0 STPPaymentCardTextField.init(frame:) + 616 (STPPaymentCardTextField.swift:616)

Please guide me on this.
