orangeSi / pairsnp

A set of scripts for calculating pairwise SNP distance

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of scripts for very quickly obtaining pairwise SNP distance matrices from multiple sequence alignments using sparse matrix libraries to improve performance.

For larger alignments such as the Maela pneumococcal data set (3e5 x 3e3) the c++ version is approximately an order of magnitude faster than approaches based on pairwise comparison of every site such as snp-dists from which the skeleton code for the c++ version was taken.

In order to be most useful implementations in R, python and c++ are available.

Implementation Travis
R Travis-CI Build Status
python Travis-CI Build Status
c++ Travis-CI Build Status



The R version can be installed using devtools or downloaded from its repository



The python version can be installed using pip or by downloading the repository and running

python -m pip install pairsnp

or alternatively download the repository and run

cd ./pairsnp-python/
python ./ install


The c++ version can be installed manually, by downloading the binaries in this repository, or with conda as

conda install -c gtonkinhill pairsnp

The c++ code relies on a recent version of Armadillo (currently tested on v8.6) and after downloading the repository can be built by running

cd ./pairsnp-cpp/
make install

The majority of time is spend doing sparse matrix multiplications so linking to a parallelised library for this is likely to improve performance further.

At the moment you may need to run touch ./* before compiling to avoid some issues with time stamps.

Quick Start


library(pairsnp) <- system.file("extdata", "seqs.fa", package = "pairsnp") <- import_fasta_sparse(
d <- snp_dist(


The python version can be run from the python interpreter as

from pairsnp import calculate_snp_matrix, calculate_distance_matrix

sparse_matrix, consensus, seq_names = calculate_snp_matrix(
d = calculate_distance_matrix(sparse_matrix, consensus, "dist", False)

alternatively if installed using pip it can be used at the command line as

pairsnp -f /path/to/msa.fasta -o /path/to/output.csv

additional options include

Program to calculate pairwise SNP distance and similarity matrices.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {sim,dist}, --type {sim,dist}
                        either sim (similarity) or dist (distance) (default).
  -n, --inc_n           flag to indicate differences to gaps should be
                        location of a multiple sequence alignment. Currently
                        only DNA alignments are supported.
  -z, --zipped          Alignment is gzipped.
  -c, --csv             Output csv-delimited table (default tsv).
  -o OUTPUT, --out OUTPUT
                        location of output file.


The c++ version can be run from the command line as

pairsnp -c msa.fasta > output.csv

additional options include

  Pairwise SNP similarity and distance matrices using fast matrix algerbra libraries
  pairsnp [options] alignment.fasta[.gz] > matrix.csv
  -h	Show this help
  -v	Print version and exit
  -s	Find the similarity matrix
  -c	Output CSV instead of TSV
  -n	Count comparisons with Ns (off by default)
  -b	Blank top left corner cell instead of 'pairsnp 0.0.1'


A set of scripts for calculating pairwise SNP distance

License:MIT License