orangepi-xunlong / wiringOP

wiringPi for Orange Pi

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On Orange Pi Zero3 (H618) wiringPiISR() doesn't work

onyx99 opened this issue · comments

gpio: Unable to open GPIO edge interface for pin 9: Permission denied
wiringPiISR: unable to open /sys/class/gpio/gpio79/value: No such file or directory

issue same waitfor solution

how long to wait? I have the same thing here: Zero 2
X3KT0 commented on Nov 18, 2023. More than two months have already passed... I would like to understand whether I will have time to complete the project?

Had the same issue with the OrangePi Zero 2.
After stripping down the example for wiringPi Pin 2 (GPIO 73) and issuing sudo gpio edge 73 falling for that GPIO pin prior to executing the program the example is working.
Seems that some port init is not complete, at least using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS...

#101 should fix this error