orangeduck / Motion-Matching

Learned Motion Matching example implementation and source code for the article "Code vs Data Driven Displacement"

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database_build_bounds copy paste error?

SteveDE opened this issue · comments

Thank you so much for sharing this - I did find a copy-paste bug I think, feature bounding boxes are updating maximums wrong...

            db.bound_sm_min(i_sm, j) = minf(db.bound_sm_min(i_sm, j), db.features(i, j));
            db.bound_sm_max(i_sm, j) = maxf(db.bound_sm_min(i_sm, j), db.features(i, j));   // !! want sm_max here ?
            db.bound_lr_min(i_lr, j) = minf(db.bound_lr_min(i_lr, j), db.features(i, j));
            db.bound_lr_max(i_lr, j) = maxf(db.bound_lr_min(i_lr, j), db.features(i, j));   // !! want lr_max here ?

Yes looks like a bug good spot!

Should now be fixed, thanks!

Thank you!