oraluben / graal-playground

A project with some Graal samples, mostly performance test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This module provides a testing playground for the GraalVM.

In submodule benchmarks, some benchmarks are implemented. Note that the resources folder contains some javascript files, which are then used through Graal's polyglot capabilities to run from java. Each benchmark is implemented as standalone function (e.g. in fibonacci.array.js) and wrapped to execute it directly in javascript (e.g. in fibonacci.array.starter.js). The computation code, however, is in both implementations exactly the same.

Submodule jmh wraps each benchmark in a JMH test. Tests are executed with the SingleShotTime strategy. Each test consists of 10 warmup iterations and 10 test iterations. Results are reported in Seconds.

In submodule native, for each benchmark a executable class with some public static void main(String... args) is created. This mimics the behaviour of the JMH test from the jmh submodule. Folder scripts holds a file nativeScript.sh to compile one native image per benchmark. For this to work, it is necessary to export the environment variable GRAAL_HOME to some existing GraalVM. the native images are created within the target folder.


In order to compile and package the project, JAVA_HOME must be set to a valid GraalVM root dir with python support. Compile and package the project by executing

> mvn clean package

JMH Test

To execute tests, just execute

java -jar dus.graal.jmh-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

If you want to runs only a subset of tests, you can provide a regex matcher as command line argument. For example, if you only with to execute fibonacci-tests, run

java -jar dus.graal.jmh-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar "Fibonacci

JavaScript- and Python test

To execute the JavaScript- and Python-sources within an js or python parser respectively, go to the corresponding folder:

  • for js: benchmark/src/main/resources/js/
  • for python: benchmark/src/main/resources/python

Execute the test by running the *starter*-file(s), e.g.:

> js fibonacci.recursive.starter.js

benchmark parameters for js-files are hard-coded within the file. For python, the benchmark parameter can pe passed as first command line argument, e.g.:

> python fibonacci_recursive_starter.py 40

C tests

In order to execute C code through Graal, we need to compile the code to bitcode. Some C/C++ compilers support comilation to bitcode, e.g. clang.

Native Image build

In order to create the native images, GRAAL_HOME must point to a valid graal installation directory. Build the native images by executing

> native/scripts/nativeCompile.sh

You will find the native images in folder native/target. Native image compilation is not added to the maven build process on purpose since it takes quite some time.

Contact Information

If you have questions or would like to contribute, contact me via marco(dot)bungart(at)consol(dot)de or Twitter.


A project with some Graal samples, mostly performance test


Language:Java 78.8%Language:Shell 6.2%Language:JavaScript 5.7%Language:Python 4.5%Language:C 2.8%Language:Ruby 2.0%