opz / DALP-core

The DALP smart contracts. View the DALP frontend here: https://github.com/opz/DALP-frontend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DALP Smart Contracts

Actions Status

Install Dependencies

npm install

Compile Contracts

npx buidler compile

Run Tests

npx buidler test

Using DALP smart contracts

To use DALP smart contracts in a project, follow these steps:

git clone git@github.com:opz/DALP-core.git
cd DALP-core
npm install
npx buidler compile
npm link
cd <project_directory>
npm link dalp-core

You can now import the smart contract artifacts in your project:

import DALPManager from "dalp-core/artifacts/DALPManager.json";
import { DALPManagerAddress } from "dalp-core/artifacts/kovan.json";

const dalpManager = new web3.eth.Contract(DALPManager.abi, DALPManagerAddress);


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:


The DALP smart contracts. View the DALP frontend here: https://github.com/opz/DALP-frontend


Language:JavaScript 100.0%