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Improve error reporting of interpreter fallback

triceo opened this issue · comments

jpyinterpreter is a very complex piece of code. It would be naive to think that it implements every little nuance of Python bytecode correctly. (Case in point: #146.)

The current behavior is that such issues throw an exception, and the user is effectively locked out of using OptaPlanner. I am proposing that we implement a different behavior instead - we log an error, and fall back to unoptimized version. Slower performance beats no performance 100 % of the time.

In fact, we do that, see

def test_code_works_if_compilation_failed():
def my_function(x: int) -> tuple:
def inner_function(y: int) -> type:
nonlocal x
class MyClass: # TODO: Replace this with something else that fails when class creation is supported
def __init__(self):
self.outer_arg = x
self.inner_arg = y
def get_args(self):
return self.outer_arg, self.inner_arg
return MyClass
return inner_function(2 * x)().get_args()
verifier = verifier_for(my_function)
verifier.verify(1, expected_result=(1, 2))
verifier.verify(2, expected_result=(2, 4))
verifier.verify(3, expected_result=(3, 6))
elif inspect.iscode(value):
from org.optaplanner.jpyinterpreter.types import PythonLikeFunction, PythonCode
java_class = translate_python_code_to_java_class(value, PythonLikeFunction)
out = PythonCode(java_class)
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, out)
return out
from org.optaplanner.jpyinterpreter.types import PythonLikeFunction, PythonCode
java_class = translate_python_code_to_python_wrapper_class(value)
out = PythonCode(java_class)
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, out)
return out
elif type(value) is object:
java_type = type_to_compiled_java_class[type(value)]
out = CPythonBackedPythonLikeObject(java_type)
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, out)
JProxy(OpaquePythonReference, inst=value,
return out
elif not inspect.isfunction(value) and type(value) in type_to_compiled_java_class:
if type_to_compiled_java_class[type(value)] is None:
return None
java_type = type_to_compiled_java_class[type(value)]
if isinstance(java_type, CPythonType):
return None
java_class = java_type.getJavaClass()
out = java_class.getConstructor(PythonLikeType).newInstance(java_type)
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, out)
JProxy(OpaquePythonReference, inst=value,
if isinstance(out, AbstractPythonLikeObject):
for (key, value) in getattr(value, '__dict__', dict()).items():
out.setAttribute(key, convert_to_java_python_like_object(value, instance_map))
return out
elif inspect.isbuiltin(value) or is_c_native(value):
return None
elif inspect.isfunction(value):
from org.optaplanner.jpyinterpreter.types import PythonLikeFunction
wrapped = PythonLikeFunctionWrapper()
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, wrapped)
out = translate_python_bytecode_to_java_bytecode(value, PythonLikeFunction)
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, out)
return out
return None
java_type = translate_python_class_to_java_class(type(value))
if isinstance(java_type, CPythonType):
return None
java_class = java_type.getJavaClass()
out = java_class.getConstructor(PythonLikeType).newInstance(java_type)
put_in_instance_map(instance_map, value, out)
JProxy(OpaquePythonReference, inst=value,
if isinstance(out, AbstractPythonLikeObject):
for (key, value) in getattr(value, '__dict__', dict()).items():
out.setAttribute(key, convert_to_java_python_like_object(value, instance_map))
return out
return None
. I suspect it falls through because of
out = PythonClassTranslator.translatePythonClass(python_compiled_class)
type_to_compiled_java_class[python_class] = out
PythonClassTranslator.setSelfStaticInstances(python_compiled_class, out.getJavaClass(), out,
return out
, which is not wrapped in a try...except (and hence why it is caused by optapy annotations which directly call translate_python_class_to_java_class to get the superclass needed)

Thanks for the pointers. They don't show me the error messages that we output if/when this happens, though. (We want people to tell us of these errors, don't we? Even if we handle them properly by falling back.)

The error situation can definitely improve. I am planning in the future to return a CompliationResult instead of the raw Java class. The CompliationResult would have fields for errors and warnings (ex: potential None reference, type mismatch, missing method/field, etc). The translator can then report not just mistranslation errors (our errors) but also user errors.

Ok, I updated the title of this issue.