opplatek / TERA-Seq_snakemake

Snakemake workflow for TERA-Seq data analysis

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Snakemake workflow: TERA-Seq

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A Snakemake workflow for TERA-Seq data processing.

This repository contains the main analysis steps used in the publication TERA-Seq: True end-to-end sequencing of native RNA molecules for transcriptome characterization (Ibrahim, F.*, Oppelt, J.*, Maragkakis, M.* and Mourelatos, Z., 2021, Nucleic Acids Research, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkab713, PMID: 34428294. * The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the first three authors should be regarded as Joint First Authors.

We kindly ask you to cite the publication above if you use any part of the analysis, code, or samples.

This is a TERA-Seq Snakemake workflow. It was designed to help you with TERA-Seq data analysis. As of now (04/08/2023), it is heavily based on the original workflow used in the publication (GitHub repository TERA-Seq publication. However, this is an updated workflow and certain steps don't have to be identical to the ones used in the original publication.


The usage of this workflow is described in this README and in the Snakemake Workflow Catalog.


This workflow is designed in Snakemake, and it is to be used with the TERA-Seq Singularity (Docker container joppelt/teraseq:snakemake) to ensure easy portability and reproducibility.

There are only 3+1 main dependencies - Git, Singularity, Snakemake, and Conda. Conda is only used to install Snakemake and selected Python packages. You can install Snakemake independently on Conda. The extra Python packages are only used to create Snakemake reports and can also be omitted.


If Git is not installed on your system (not very common), look for instructions on how to install it for your distro.


The workflow uses pre-installed software in a Singularity container. If you don't have Singularity installed on your system, you can get it from here. We tested the workflow with Singularity 2.6.1-dist on openSUSE Leap 15.0 and singularity-ce version 3.11.1-bionic on Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS.

We do not recommend installing Singularity using Conda as there might be permission issues.

Ubuntu 18.04 example

First, check whether you have all the dependencies from here and Go installed

For Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS and the tested version, do the following:

cd ~/tools/
wget https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/releases/download/v3.11.1/singularity-ce_3.11.1-bionic_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./singularity-ce_3.11.1-bionic_amd64.deb && rm singularity-ce_3.11.1-bionic_amd64.deb
singularity version


If you don't have Snakemake installed on your system, you can follow the instructions here. The workflow was tested with Snakemake 7.24.0 and Python 3.7.1. Although you can install Snakemake independently, we recommend using the provided YAML file to make a Conda environment. Please follow the instructions from the next section.


If you do not have Conda already installed, you can get it from conda or miniconda. We tested the workflow on conda 4.11.0 and conda 4.12.0 installed through miniconda3.

The easiest way to install Snakemake is to use the provided YAML file and make the Conda environment. Before the Conda environment installation, we recommend installing mamba as it significantly speeds up the installation. However, it is not required.

To install mamba with your base Conda environment activated:

conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge

Getting the workflow

Clone this GitHub repository to your chosen location. We recommend cloning the repository in your project directory to ensure proper reproducibility.

Clone the latest commit with:

git clone https://github.com/mourelatos-lab/TERA-Seq_snakemake.git

You can install the Snakemake Conda environment as follows:

cd TERA-Seq_snakemake/
mamba env create -f environment.yaml -n teraseq-snakemake # If you don't have mamba, simply replace "mamba" at the beginning of the command with "conda"

If you don't want to use the provided YAML file, you can use the following:

mamba env create -n teraseq-snakemake \
    -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c anaconda -c r \
    python=3.7.1 snakemake-minimal=7.24.0 pandas pygments jinja2 networkx pygraphviz

To update the repository, you can execute the following:

cd TERA-Seq_snakemake/
git pull

Singularity container

The workflow requires Singularity container. Before making the environment, we recommend exporting temp and cache Singularity variables to a location with enough free disk space. To create one, please use the following:

tmpdir=$(pwd) # Your temporary and cache directory


singularity pull docker://joppelt/teraseq:snakemake

This will create teraseq-snakemake.simg if you use Singularity 2 or teraseq_snakemake.sif if you use Singularity 3.

Workflow configuration

You must remember Snakemake is based on relative directory structure to the Snakefile or the workdir. This affects how we have to think about the config files and output directories.

Config file

The main config file is in config/config.yaml. The location of the main config file can be specified when launching the Snakemake, but we strongly recommend to keep it in your main project directory.

You have to update the main config file with the correct paths to the sub-configs. Please note the paths can be either absolute or relative to Snakefile/workdir. We recommend copying the whole config directory to your workdir, and setting the sub-config files as well as Singularity container file using absolute paths. Relative paths should be fine as well.

The main config files contain links to four sub-config files:

  • samples.csv A comma-delimited sample sheet with description and sample names to process. Do not modify the header. The sample sheet file has four columns:
    • sample ID/name - the name of the sample directory. The sample directory must have fastq subdirectory with reads.1.fastq.gz file inside. reads.1.fastq.gz are the basecalled reads created by the TERA-Seq protocol.
    • assembly - sample assembly. The implemented assemblies are: hg38, mm10, sc3.
    • libtype - TERA-Seq library type. The implemented library types are: 5tera, tera3, 5tera3.
    • protocol - RNA enrichment protocol. The implemented protocols are: polya, total.

For example: hsa.dRNASeq.HeLa.total.REL3.1,hg38,tera3,total is a hsa.dRNASeq.HeLa.total.REL3.1 sample, the reference is hg38, it is tera3 library, and total RNA was extracted.

  • dirs.yaml A YAML file specifying data, samples, and results directories. Please note these paths are relative to the Snakefile or workdir.
    • datadir - directory used to store references.
    • samplesdir - directory containing samples for the analysis. The samples inside this directory must be named exactly as in the samples.csv sample sheet. The individual samples must contain fastq directory with reads.1.fastq.gz FASTQ file.
    • resdir - directory name used to save the workflow results.
  • sqldb Do you want to create an annotated SQL DB file? ["yes"|"no"]. Must include the double quotes. Default: "no".
  • singularity_container Absolute or relative path, including the name of the Singularity container file. This is most likely going to be teraseq-snakemake.simg for Singularity 2 or teraseq_singularity.sif for Singularity 3.
  • resources.yaml The maximum number of resources used throughout the workflow.
  • ref_links.yaml A YAML file specifying links to download the references. The workflow has been tested on Ensembl references. This YAML file is structured as follows:
organism reference name abbreviation:
    org: organism Latin name
    genome: link to download the reference genome
    gtf: link to download the reference genome annotation GTF file
    gtf_extend_fiveutr: number of nucleotides to extend the 5' UTR. New UTRs are created if they don't exist. Please note this has been tested only for the sc3 genome. Use "NA" if no nucleotides are to be added.
    gtf_extend_threeutr: number of nucleotides to extend the 3' UTR. New UTRs are created if they don't exist. Please note this has been tested only for the sc3 genome. Use "NA" if no nucleotides are to be added.
    gtrna: link to donwload [GtRNAdb](https://gtrnadb.ucsc.edu/) tRNA annotation archive.
    gtrna_bed: name of the decompressed BED file from the GtRNAdb tRNA annotation archive.

Use this file to add/update organisms/assemblies/references.

There is a special section for Silva rRNA annotation:

    lsu: Link to download Large (23S/28S) subunit Silva ribosomal RNAs FASTA file archive.
    ssu: Link to download Small (16S/18S) subunit Silva ribosomal RNAs FASTA file archive.
  • adapters.yaml YAML file with optimal adapter trimming parameters for individual TERA-Seq library types. Note: TERA-Seq has been tested on Nanopore Flow Cell (R9.4.1 FLO-MIN106) dRNA-Seq protocol (SQK-RNA002). Optimal adapter removal settings will be different for other flow cells and protocols.

Additional workflow resources

By default, we limit the maximum number of concurrent mapping jobs to four (you can change the default settings at config/resources.yaml - look for map_jobs). There are two reasons - a) classical HDD might have trouble running more than ~4 I/O demanding jobs simultaneously; b) sam-count-secondary can consume a lot of RAM per sample (depending on the sequencing depth). If you run the analysis on SSD and/or have a lot of RAM, you can increase the maximum value or add --resources map_jobs=maxnumberofmapjobs to the Snakemake command (replace maxnumberofmapjobs with a value of the maximum number of concurrent mapping jobs).

Running the workflow

Make sure you activate your Conda environment if this is how you installed Snakemake:

conda activate teraseq-snakemake

The workflow is designed to run in any work directory.

Let's assume you cloned the main TERA-Seq_snakemake repository to /home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake, and pulled the Singularity container to the same directory. Your main project directory is /home/user/projects/TERASeq. The main project directory contains individual sample directories in data/samples. Each of the sample's directories has fastq/reads.1.fastq.gz file.

  1. Copy the config directory from the main TERA-Seq_snakemake repository copy:
cp -r /home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/config /home/user/projects/teraseq/
  1. Modify the main config to reflect the location of the Singularity container (absolute path) set if you also want to make the SQLite db file. As stated previously, the main config file can be found at config/config.yaml (See Config file section for more details). After the modifications, the config might look like this:
samples: "config/samples.csv" # Sample sheet

dirs: "config/dirs.yaml" # Name of directories for samples, references, and results

sqldb: "yes" # [yes|no] Make SQL db file

singularity_container: "/home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/teraseq_snakemake.sif" # If we are using Singularity 3
#singularity_container: "/home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/teraseq_snakemake.simg" # If we are using Singularity 2

ref_links: "config/ref_links.yaml" # Links to download reference

adapters: "config/adapters.yaml" # Adapter trimming settings
  1. Modify the samples, references, and results output directories if necessary at config/dirs.yaml. See Config file section for more details.
  2. Add the samples to analyze to config/samples.csv. See Config file section for more details.
  3. Run a dry-run to test we set everything correctly:
conda activate teraseq-snakemake


snakemake \
    -c $threads --use-singularity \
    --resources map_jobs=$concurrent_mappings \
    --snakefile /home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/workflow/Snakefile \
    --directory /home/user/projects/TERASeq \
    --configfile config/config.yaml \
  1. Run the pipeline with workflow stats and reports (Note: the reports need the additional Python packages mentioned in the Getting the worflow section:
date=$(date +"%Y%d%d_%H%M%S")
mkdir report

# Run the workflow with stats
snakemake \
    -c $threads --use-singularity \
    --resources map_jobs=$concurrent_mappings \
    --snakefile /home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/workflow/Snakefile \
    --directory /home/user/projects/TERASeq \
    --configfile config/config.yaml \
    --stats report/${date}.myFirstRun.teraseq-snakemake-stats.txt

# Make reports and summaries
snakemake \
    -c $threads \
    --report report/${date}.myFirstRun.teraseq-snakemake-report.html 

snakemake \
    -c $threads \
    --detailed-summary > report/${date}.myFirstRun.teraseq-snakemake-summary.txt

Helper run script

If you don't want to remember how to run Snakemake, you can use the helper run.sh script. Run:

# Use the same settings as in the example
./run.sh \
    /home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/workflow/Snakefile \
    /home/user/projects/TERASeq \
    config/config.yaml \
    "myFirstRun" \
    16 \

# Use the default settings only with mandatory arguments
./run.sh /home/user/tools/TERA-Seq_snakemake/workflow/Snakefile /home/user/projects/TERASeq 


5TERA sample

|-- fastq
|   |-- reads.1.fastq.gz # Original FASTQ file
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.fastq.gz # Read name sanitized FASTQ file
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.5tera.fastq.gz # 5TERA adapter-removed FASTQ file - source
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.w_adapt.5tera.fastq.gz # FASTQ file with reads w/ 5TERA adapter found (adapter removed)
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.w_adapt.5tera.names.txt # List of reads w/ 5TERA adapter found
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.wo_adapt.5tera.fastq.gz # FASTQ file with reads w/o 5TERA adapter found
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.wo_adapt.5tera.names.txt # List of reads w/o 5TERA adapter found
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.fastq.gz -> reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.5tera.fastq.gz # 5TERA adapter-removed FASTQ file - link
|   `-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.fastq.gz # FASTQ w/o rRNA mapped reads
|-- align
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.sorted.bam # Genome mapping BAM
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.sorted.bam.bai # Genome mapping BAM index
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.toRibosomal.sorted.bam # rRNA-only mapping BAM
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.sorted.bam -> reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.trans.sorted.bam # Transcriptome mapping BAM - link
|   `-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.trans.sorted.bam # Transcriptome mapping BAM - source
|-- db # Only created if sqldb=="yes"
|   |-- *.done # Various SQL DB annotation checkpoint files
|   `-- sqlite.db # SQL DB annotated file with both genome and transcriptome mappings
`- log
    |-- cutadapt.5tera.log # 5TERA adapter Cutadapt log file
    |-- cutadapt.len.tsv # Length of removed adapters
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.read-len.tsv.gz # Adapter-removed read lengths
    |-- cutadapt.len.pdf # Visualization of removed adapter length
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.align-len.full.tsv.gz # Aligned portion of read lengths (excludes soft clipping and similar) - genome mapping/alignment stats
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.mapped-len.full.tsv.gz # Mapped read lengths (includes soft clipping and similar) - genome mapping/alignment stats
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.len.mapped-vs-aligned.pdf # Visualization of mapped read length and the actual aligned portion of the read - genome mapping/alignment stats
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.len.trim-vs-aligned.pdf # Visualization of adapter-removed read length and the actual aligned portion of the read - genome mapping/alignment stats 
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.align-len.full.tsv.gz # Aligned portion of read lengths (excludes soft clipping and similar) - transcriptome mapping/alignment stats 
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.mapped-len.full.tsv.gz # Mapped read lengths (includes soft clipping and similar) - transcriptome mapping/alignment stats
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.len.mapped-vs-aligned.pdf # Visualization of mapped read length and the actual aligned portion of the read - transcriptome mapping/alignment stats
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.len.trim-vs-aligned.pdf # Visualization of adapter-removed read length and the actual aligned portion of the read - transcriptome mapping/alignment stats 
    |-- reads.1.sanitize.toGenome.mapping-stats.tsv # Basic (samtools stat) mapping statistics - genome stats
    |-- sqldb.mapping-stats.transcriptome.txt # Basic (sqldb-based) mapping statistics - transcriptome stats; only created if sqldb=="yes"
    |-- sqldb.mapping-stats.genome.txt # Basic (sqldb-based) mapping statistics - genome stats; only created if sqldb=="yes"
    `-- reads.1.sanitize.noribo.toTranscriptome.mapping-stats.tsv # Basic (samtools stat) mapping statistics - transcriptome stats

TERA3 sample - differences from 5TERA sample only

|-- fastq
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.fastq.gz -> reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.tera3.fastq.gz # TERA3 adapter-removed FASTQ file - link
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.adapt_trim.tera3.fastq.gz # TERA3 adapter-removed FASTQ file - source
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.w_adapt.tera3.fastq.gz # FASTQ file with reads w/ TERA3 adapter found (adapter removed)
|    `-- ...
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.w_adapt.tera3.names.txt # List of reads w/ TERA3 adapter found
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.wo_adapt.tera3.fastq.gz # FASTQ file with reads w/o TERA3 adapter found
|   |-- reads.1.sanitize.wo_adapt.tera3.names.txt # List of reads w/o TERA3 adapter found
|    `-- ...
|-- align # Identical to the 5TERA example
|    `-- ...
|-- db # Identical to the 5TERA example
|    `-- ...
`-- log
    |-- cutadapt.tera3.full-length.log # TERA3 adapter Cutadapt log file from the whole reads after subsetting only for TERA3-found reads
    |-- cutadapt.tera3.log # TERA3 adapter Cutadapt log file only from the last 200 nt
    `-- ...

5TERA3 sample - differences from 5TERA and TERA3 samples only

5TERA3 results are a combination of 5TERA and TERA3 results. There are no unique files.

TODO list

  • Add automatic detection of singularity container in case the path is not set in the config file
  • Check for 5utr and 3utr extensions in the references config list as automatically set to NA if not set in the config
  • Expand initial QC tests
  • Implement analyses from the TERA-Seq manuscript

Written with StackEdit.


Snakemake workflow for TERA-Seq data analysis

License:MIT License


Language:Python 61.3%Language:R 21.3%Language:Shell 9.3%Language:Dockerfile 8.1%