opi-dopi / golang_cources_epam_12.19_git_homework


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  • Download and setup git.
  • Create new repository named git_homework.
  • Configure git to use your name and email address.Please use your full name and valid email.
  • Add main.go file that prints “Hello world”. Use preferred go version. Console output example:
$ bin/main
$ Hello world
  • Add file to the master branch in commit named initial_commit. Provide meaningful commit description. For details on commit name and description format please see the link. Create new branch called feature_owner_name and switch to it. Add possibility to specify name as input string parameter.The specified name should be shown in greeting message returned by the application instead of word “world”. No need to capture all possible errors, a simple code that works with correct input string (i.e Bob) is acceptable.
$ bin/main
$ please enter your name: Bob 
$ Hello  Bob
  • Commit the changes in a new commit named owner_name. Provide meaningful description. Add one more print message with a question of “How is the weather today?”.
$ bin/main
$ please enter your name: Bob 
$ Hello  Bob
$ How is the weather today?
  • Add these changes to the previous commit(owner_name) and modify the commit description accordingly. Switch to master branch. Add another commit named add_adjective with changed main.go file that adds some const adjectives to the greeting message
$ bin/main
$ Hello brave new  world
  • Merge feature_owner_name branch into master. Resolve conflicts to keep both code modifications. The application after merge should output something like following:
$ bin/main
$ please enter your name: Bob 
$ Bob
$ Hello brave new  Bob
$ How is the weather today?
  • Create github account if or use existing one.
  • Make a fork from repository git_homework
  • Add your fork as a remote to your repo git_homework.
  • Set newly added remote as tracking branch to the local master branch.
  • Rebase master to fork remote (origin/master by default). Hint: resulting master branch should include README from upstream repo.
  • Reset master to the state pior to the merge with feature_owner_name. Hint: resulting master shouldn’t include any changes from feature_owner_name.
  • Switch to the feature_owner_name branch.
  • Rebase feature_owner_name to the master.
  • Add .gitignore file that ignores jpg files as a separate commit.
  • Revert the last commit (the one with gitignore changes).
  • Merge feature_owner_name branch back to master.
  • Push master to the fork master.
  • Send PR from fork master to the upstream git_homework repository master. Provide your name and email in PR description.
  • Deadline is December, 5th.

