opera-adt / sentinel1-burst-id

A prototype for assigning a unique burst id to Sentinel-1 SLC bursts

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burst ID syntax

yunjunz opened this issue · comments

The current syntax for the unique burst ID is t{trackNum}s{subSwathNum}b{burstNum}. How about changing it to the following?


where {acquisitionMode} can be IW (by default), EW, WV and SM (https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-1-sar/acquisition-modes). Since the mode string is upper case, we could use upper case for T and B as well; or all lower case also works.

We should use the same syntax in isce-framework/s1-reader#1.

Assuming file naming convention is consistent across all modes, then this is automatically accounted for here. Removing iw here and in the comments would also be required.

The current burst ID calculation depends on the duration of each burst, thus, I don't think it's applicable to other Sentinel-1 modes. Saying that, the current unique burst ID syntax is perfectly fine. Close this issue.