openstax / highlights-api


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenStax Highlights API

Migrations Tests

The API interface to highlights within OpenStax


This app creates, updates, and deletes highlights from Postgres

Running on Localhost



copy the secrets.yml.example to secrets.yml


$> bundle install

Generating files with the Swagger JSON

Run rake write_swagger_json to write Swagger JSON files to tmp/swagger for each major API version.


Run the tests with rspec or rake.

Using Docker Development Environment

show Start the environment by running
docker-compose up

once this completes, leave it running and you can access the api locally. eg: at the url http://localhost:4004/highlights/api/v0/info


Run the tests with

docker-compose run api rake spec

Swagger, Clients, and Bindings

The Highlights API is documented in the code using Swagger. Swagger JSON can be accessed at /api/v0/swagger.

Autogenerating bindings

Within the baseline, we use Swagger-generated Ruby code to serve as bindings for request and response data. Calling rake openstax_swagger:generate_model_bindings[X] will create version X request and response model bindings in app/bindings/api/vX. See the documentation at for more information.

Autogenerating clients

A rake script is provided to generate client libraries. Call rake openstax_swagger:generate_client[X,lang] to generate the major version X client for the given language, e.g. rake openstax_swagger:generate_client[0,ruby] will generate the Ruby client for the latest version 0 API. This will generate code in the baseline, so if you don't want it committed move it elsewhere.

to back up the database manually

open an ssh tunnel to the rds instance through the dmz and an api server (this will continue running in the foreground logged into the api instance, this is handy for checking the db credentials)

ssh -L 5432:localhost:9999 -t sudo -u rundeck ssh -L 9999:rds-dns-goes-here:5432 ubuntu@api-ec2-isntance-dns-or-ip -i ~rundeck/.ssh/openstax-sandbox-kp.pem

then (from a separate shell locally) do pg_dump

pg_dump -h localhost -U highlights -O highlights > highlights.sql

to restore to a different host close your ssh tunnel and open a new one to your target environment (same command, different hosts), then restore

psql -h localhost -U highlights -f highlights.sql





License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 99.4%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:HTML 0.1%