openstax / cnx-recipes

The extended CSS recipes for cooking openstax books

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Note For Windows Users: If your username contains whitespace, the setup and installation may not work. Create a new user without whitespace in the username in order to succesfully complete installation.


The cnx-recipes repo contains the recipes and styles framework. The recipe framework is used for content manipulation and the styles framework is used to style the content. The backend of the recipes framework is contained in the cnx-easybake repo.

Baked PDF frameworkguide

Styling framework tutorial


Almost all of the scripts that we run to generate outputs at various stages of development require docker or bakery-cli, or both.

Run ./script/install-docker to install docker and docker-compose.

To install bakery-cli follow the instructions here.

There are 6 steps in the PDF generation pipeline:

  • fetch : fetch raw cnxml content from a specified server
  • assemble : converts the cnxml to xhtml
  • link-extras : replaces legacy module ids in links to external modules with uuids from the target module and corresponding canonical book
  • bake : based on a given set of instructions,
  • mathify : converts mathjax to svg - link to repo
  • build-pdf : generates a PDF

We perform these steps by running commands locally using either bakery-cli or the scripts in ./script with docker-compose.

The ./script folder contains a variety of scripts relating to installation, book generation, and testing.

It's recommended to prepend the ./script/run script when running most scripts from this directory. Although not requried, the run script runs the setup script and tries to ensure that you have the necessary dependencies by running the script in a docker container. For example, if you want to run ./script/fetch-book, you would run ./script/run ./script/fetch-book.

Create a baked pdf for a new book

There are currently two ways to create a baked PDF. One way is with the docker-compose commands listed below, the other is with bakery-cli (documentation linked at the top of this README).

  1. Run docker-compose run --rm -e fetch-book --with-resources ${book-name} to download the cnxml from the server.
    • Note: To see the list of books available see ./books.txt
    • HOST is optional if one is specified in ./books.txt
    • --with-resources is optional if you do not need images in the content to be fetched
  2. Run docker-compose run --rm assemble-book ${book-name} to create the single-file HTML for the book.
    • Exercises are fetched when assembling the book. If the book has exercises that are being fetched from the exercises db, it can take 20+ minutes when first assembling a book. After the first time, it should not take as long
  3. Run docker-compose run --rm bake-book ${book-name} to convert the single-file HTML locally into the "baked" book.
  4. Run docker-compose run --rm mathify-book ${book-name} to convert all the math to svg.
  5. Run docker-compose run --rm build-pdf ${book-name} to create the pdf.

A few things to note when using bakery-cli vs the commands above:

  • The bakery-cli more closely matches what is being used on production via COPS
  • The bakery-cli commands will on average run a faster
  • When using the bakery-cli, the style file linked in the xhtml is not a path to your local file system. This means that everytime you need to update a style during development, you must either re-bake the file and run the subsequent steps in the process depending on your needed output (baked file, mathified file, or PDF) or manually update the style link in the head of the document.
  • When using bakery-cli you cannot bake without passing it a style file or build a PDF without mathifying

Create JSON files for a book

Follow the first few steps above, up to and including the bake-book step. Then do the following:

  1. Run docker-compose run --rm disassemble-book intro-business to split the baked HTML file into mutiple files.
  2. Run docker-compose run --rm jsonify-book intro-business to create JSON files for each Baked Page.

Run scripts

You can run commands in Docker:

docker-compose run --rm command ...

To run something like:


just prepend with ./script/run:

./script/run ./script/build-styles

or to run tests, run:

./script/run ./script/test

Updating Neb

Stops and removes container: docker-compose down

To pull the latest version of neb: docker-compose pull neb

To build the docker image with the latest: docker-compose build neb

To check the version of neb: docker-compose run neb neb --version

Add a New Book to the books.text config

The steps to add a new book (like dark-matter-for-dummies) are:

  1. Find the UUID of the book you want
    • point your browser to the server containing the book (ie and find a book you want.
    • click "More Information" and copy the ID
  2. add an entry to ./books.txt


  1. run ./script/test

This will run the linter, generate sassdocs, and generate the guides to verify they work.


Recipe documentation can be found at ./recipes/ and an example config file.

  1. run ./script/build-docs to generate the SASS Docs
  2. run ./script/build-guide statistics to generate the HTML Guide for a book
  3. open the generated file in your browser

CSS Coverage

  1. run ./script/fetch-html ${book_name} to fetch the Raw HTML for a book
  2. run ./script/bake-book ${book_name}
  3. The HTML Report should now be available at ./coverage/

You can pass 3 arguments to report-book-coverage to change how it reports coverage:

  • --verbose : outputs verbose/debugging output
  • --ignore-source-map : covers the CSS even if a sourceMappingURL exists.
  • --cover-declarations : generates coverage based on the declarations, as well as the selector
  • Note: You can run ./script/report-book-coverage --all to generate coverage using all the books

For more details on the commandline options see the css-coverage documentation.

Why CSS Coverage?

Code coverage is a great way to see if your tests exercises all the features of the codebase.

In the case of this repositoriy, the "codebase" contains all the CSS recipe files and the "tests" are the HTML snippets used to create a style guide.

By checking the code coverage, whenever a new feature in a book is added, a corresponding example in the HTML guide should be added as well (code coverage will complain otherwise).

Bake Remotely

To rebake a book on a development instance. To do that, you will need to upload a CSS recipe file, trigger a rebake, and then clear the cache.

  1. run ./script/build-recipes to generate the recipes CSS file

  2. run ./script/bake-book-remote ${BOOK_NAME} ${VERSION} to upload, trigger, and clear the cache

    • ${BOOK_NAME] is the book’s name in the book list of /books.txt
    • ${VERSION] is the @#.## in the target collection URL


For example, you want to rebake the "cooking" book:

  1. you can run ./script/bake-book-remote cooking and it will tell you to go to${UUID}
  2. find the version (ie 7.16) by looking at the URL or by clicking “More Information” at the bottom of the page
  3. run ./script/bake-book-remote cooking 7.16 (using that version you found)

Regression Testing

To check that there were no regressions in a book you will need to do the following:

  1. bake the book with the old code
  2. bake the book with the new code
  3. compare the 2 baked HTML files to see if there were any differences

Here are the steps to run it:

# Prep work (run once)
./script/fetch-html statistics # Or any book in ./books.txt

# Check out the old version from git (ie `master` branch)
# Then run:
./script/diff-book-prepare statistics

# Check out the new code from git (ie `shiny-unincorns` branch)
# Then run:
./script/diff-book statistics

# Any differences would pop up at this point

# Optional: Create a diff and give it to a GUI
diff ./data/statistics-prepared.xhtml ./data/statistics/collection.baked.xhtml > foo.diff

Note: You can specify --all instead of statistics to diff all the books (after fetching them earlier)

Finding differences in the styleguide

Instead of diffing the whole book, you can find differences in the styleguide for a recipe (faster and easier to find errors because the HTML files are much smaller than an entire book).

To do this, just replace every occurrence of ./script/diff-book ${BOOK_NAME} (and ./script/diff-book-prepare) with diff-guide ${RECIPE_NAME} in the instructions above.

JavaScript Package

This package provides a few methods for use by other packages:

  • getBookStyles(): Map<string, string>: returns a Map of the CSS contents for each book style


To update the Documentation in the gh-pages branch:

  1. git checkout master
  2. ./script/build-and-update-gh-pages

Note: This will push changes if successful


The extended CSS recipes for cooking openstax books

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:CSS 69.6%Language:SCSS 26.4%Language:Python 1.5%Language:Shell 1.3%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:XSLT 0.2%Language:Handlebars 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Dart 0.0%Language:Ruby 0.0%