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Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface.

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Focus on OSPOS 3.4.0

andriux1990 opened this issue · comments

I have been using the 2020 version of OSPOS, and the bugs are repairable, nothing serious. So, now with version 3.3.9, it is quite stable. I think we should move on from CodeIgniter 3 and focus on 3.4.0 with CI4. Looking at it, there is much work to be done. It practically only shows the interface, which is a significant step forward. I will start with the clients, making sure they are displayed and can be saved. The code needs to be migrated. Then, we can tackle inventory. It's quite a big task, especially regarding CSV imports.

As I've said before, I believe the challenging part will be sales and purchases, as they involve many processes that require a lot of work.

@andriux1990 3.4.0 is limited to keeping current functionality but with CodeIgniter 4.5.1. There is a good deal to be done still with working out kinks in 3.4.0, but I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say the code needs to be migrated. Most of that work is done already, it's now fixing the bugs of things that don't work after the migration. That and making sure the validation, filtering and escaping is working as expected.

It's helpful to have multiple people contributing now on this, but let's make sure we communicate clearly about what we are working on so that we don't duplicate work. The opensourcepos/devroom in has been the main space for the devs to communicate. You already have an invite to that room, so just install a matrix compatible client like element and change your server to to get it up and running.

I don't remember what isn't working with CSV imports, but someone should take a look. It's probably a good idea to make sure there are github issues created for things and assign yourself so that people know you are working on it.

@andriux1990 all forms are now displaying and submitting/updating data as expected. Whether it's a new record like new item, customer, supplier, expense, gift card etc... Or updating previous data for the mentioned modules. Please fetch the latest changes from CI4 branch in order not to spend your time on things already fixed. Thanks

That is not quite correct. Testing Receiving update The following error displays. You all are doing great.
The param count in the URI are greater than the controller method params. Handler:\App\Controllers\Receivings::getIndex, URI:receivings/edit/1

For the devroom you can also just use a browser, I mainly check it from my laptop as I don't like typing on a phone keyboard.

@odiea thanks for testing this, can you check it again ? i committed a fix for the modal display. Still not submitting/updating data but now it's showing, will check further for data update.

@odiea test also displaying the receiving receipt, please fetch the latest commits.


In Receivings Post needs to be added to save but there are issues when saving the form and the supplier search is not working.
In Sales when saving the form there is an issue with unknown column payments in list. Receipts and Modals are working good. In my earlier version I had to change back save to the ci3 payments code then the payments issue went away


@jekkos How do we get to the dev room. Clicking on gitter displays bad stuff.

Yeah thats why i mentioned still not submitting, for the receivings supplier search not working and for sale edit the check_invoice_number isn't working as needed which keeping form from submitting data.
I think CI4 branch have corrected gitter link.

I have updated the in master, the link should be fixed now Hopefully more devs can find their way to the chatroom now

Could someone please tell me which version of the Bootstrap theme I should use for the correct interface of OSPOS? Since the modal and the table are not working for me. If I don't have the correct interface, I won't be able to know what the real problems are.

Another problem I've had is that when migrating my existing database from the previous version of OSPOS, I can't log in afterward. I don't know if this is just happening to me because I have some additional tables, or if it has also happened to you all?

After you check out ci4-branch you need to build the application. The instructions to build are in readme.MD. The css will function correctly then.

@objecttothis thanks for answering. If you're referring to these instructions: or . It doesn't specify the version of the CSS.

In the partial/header.php file, there's this link: , where the CDN should be placed. I've tried all versions, using both version 4 and version 5, and even directly inserting the CDN. But I think it's giving me the incorrect interface.

Another problem I've had is that when migrating my existing database from the previous version of OSPOS, I can't log in afterward. I don't know if this is just happening to me because I have some additional tables, or if it has also happened to you all?

You need to change the ci environment variables in the env file. Set it to development and increase the log level. Look at the logs after trying to login to see exactly what error you're getting. The migration from CI3 to CI4 is complex and while it has been tested thoroughly, we need to spot all the edge cases, so create an issue of you spot something.

After you check out ci4-branch you need to build the application. The instructions to build are in readme.MD. The css will function correctly then.

Thanks, regarding the interface issue. version theme bootswatch 3.4.0 works best but it still looks like this.
WhatsApp Image 2024-04-26 at 11 51 18 AM

@objecttothis thanks for answering. If you're referring to these instructions: or . It doesn't specify the version of the CSS.

In the partial/header.php file, there's this link: , where the CDN should be placed. I've tried all versions, using both version 4 and version 5, and even directly inserting the CDN. But I think it's giving me the incorrect interface.

Sorry, look at

Use the build instructions in that file.

@objecttothis @odiea @jekkos @WebShells Ready, Thank you.
Everything I've tried is working now, from the clients, items, and sales. I'll continue running tests.