openshift / ptp-operator

Manage cluster PTP configuration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How does one monitor for PTP events such as CLOCK_REALTIME skew?

funkytaco opened this issue · comments

I see a reference to an event driven framework, but my google fu is not returning much here. Where can I get more information on how to deal with CLOCK_REALTIME delays. I see mentions of AMQ and cloud-event-proxy, but I just need alerts, from within the cluster.

you cloud use Prometheus metrics localhost:9091/metrics

 oc exec -it  linuxptp-daemon-k4hdj -n openshift-ptp -c linuxptp-daemon-container -- /bin/sh 
curl localhost:9091/metrics

TYPE openshift_ptp_offset_from_master gauge

openshift_ptp_offset_from_master{iface="CLOCK_REALTIME",node="node-name",process="phc2sys"} 11