openshift / coredns-mdns

CoreDNS plugin that serves .local mDNS info over normal DNS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tag releases?

polarathene opened this issue · comments

Putting together an automated build, when this plugin is added with go get there is no git tag to pin to a release, so builds won't be immutable.

I can see that releases in this repo are being managed as branches, could they be tagged too? They'd be able to leverage github releases as well if desired.

go get would be nicer as go get

I went ahead and tagged the 4.5 release. Since this isn't part of our normal release management process I can't guarantee how up-to-date the tags will stay though. On the plus side, this repo is a bit of a black sheep in our release process anyway so I have to manually create the branches. I'll try to remember to tag them too.