opensearch-project / security-dashboards-plugin

🔐 Manage your internal users, roles, access control, and audit logs from OpenSearch Dashboards

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[FEATURE] Multi-auth dashboards support for JWT

10000-ki opened this issue · comments

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we can set order of auth in opensearch

          anonymous_auth_enabled: false
            enabled: false

          # oidc with jwks_uri
            description: "Authenticate via JWKS"
            http_enabled: true
            transport_enabled: false
            order: 0
              type: openid
              challenge: false
                jwt_header: "Authorization"
                jwt_url_parameter: null
                subject_key: "sub"
                roles_key: "scp"
                jwks_uri: {{ jwksUri }}
              type: noop

          # basic auth, using internal user db
            description: "Authenticate using HTTP basic against the internal users database"
            http_enabled: true
            transport_enabled: false
            order: 1
              type: basic
              challenge: true
              type: internal

but dashboards not

so In dashboards, jwt and basic_auth cannot be used simultaneously

What alternatives have you considered?

Do you have any additional context?

I hope it will support like opensearch

@10000-ki That's correct, its not currently supported at the moment. For multi-auth, the currently supported options are openid, saml and basic. List of supported options:

I believe it would be possible to add JWT here, but there should be testing done with different combinations.

When JWT is enabled as a sign in option for dashboards you supply the token through a URL param and avoid the login page entirely.

When JWT is enabled as a sign in option for dashboards you supply the token through a URL param and avoid the login page entirely.

i see

For token-based authentication, the login screen should not be visible
And for basic_auth-based authentication, the login screen should be visible

So are you saying that the test for this situation is complicated?

[Triage] Hi @10000-ki, thanks for filing this issue. From the conversation, it looks like the goal here is to add multi-auth support for dashboards to be able to support both Basic auth and JWT auth. I have renamed this issue for you and we can go ahead and close this when:

  • There is correct UI handling for the login skip
  • Tests are added on the cypress suite for checking the correct auth flows


[Triage] Hi @10000-ki, thanks for filing this issue. From the conversation, it looks like the goal here is to add multi-auth support for dashboards to be able to support both Basic auth and JWT auth. I have renamed this issue for you and we can go ahead and close this when:

  • There is correct UI handling for the login skip
  • Tests are added on the cypress suite for checking the correct auth flows

yes i agree