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RemoveUnusedImport bug

HelloDhero opened this issue · comments

package com.a.b;
public interface Abc {
      public static interface Def {
      public static interface Xyz {
package com.a.c;
import com.a.b.Abc;
import com.a.b.Abc.*;
public class Ac extents Xxx<Xyz> {
       public void aaa(Abc.Xyz xyz){

when use "RemoveUnusedImport" it cause cannot compile

Hi @HelloDhero ; thanks for the report. I've turned the above into a runnable test; the only thing missing from this test is the Xxx type that you left out. Would you mind updating the below test?

void nestedInterfaces() {
          package com.a.b;
          public interface Abc {
              public static interface Def {
              public static interface Xyz {
          package com.a.c;

          import com.a.b.Abc;
          import com.a.b.Abc.*;

          public class Ac extends Xxx<Xyz> {
              public void aaa(Abc.Xyz xyz){

And am I right in deducing you expected no change at all? Otherwise it would help to have a description of what you expected, as per our issue template.

Use the following code

package com.test.a;
public interface Class001 {
    public interface InnerInf {
package com.test;
import com.test.a.Class001.*;
public class ForUnsedImport implements InnerInf {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Right now it's a bit unclear to me what you're seeing or expecting. It would really help if you followed this template:

That way we have a complete understanding of what you're after. Even better in the form of a runnable test as the example I showed above.