openproto / protoconfig

ProtoConfig 1.0: Open Standard for using, defining, and consuming software configuration input in a unified way.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Improve Protobuf tooling.

bwplotka opened this issue · comments

To make this really good standard, we need to improve the ecosystem. It's not bad (e.g IDE proto files support exists, tools are reliable, version etc), but there are rough edges:

  • protoc does not automate path lookups, it's hard to find correct paths (e.g all has to be absolute, for some reason)
  • have a bit confusing errors
  • requires multiple multi-lang binaries (protoc, protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-go-openconfig), with strict naming (plugin system)
  • It's hard to discover out the definition proto used from API/Server/Executable

All is solvable though. Help & ideas welcome 🤗