openmindculture / kleiderordnung-berlin

Portfolio website for sustainable stylist Tina Steinke in Berlin, powered by a hybrid classic WordPress theme with custom frontpage and block enabled pages (WIP)

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read more option

openmindculture opened this issue · comments

How should this be styled and behave? Best practice UI UX?

Text should not be "read more" but more specific!

UI draft: shortened list:
◆ Kostenloses Vorgespräch
◆ gezielte Auswahl an passenden Ergänzungen
◆ Zeit- und Nerven sparendes Einkaufen
⌄ mehr ...

Code draft:

  • (optional) admin settings
    • feature flag setting to enable list shortening
    • setting for minimal number of list items
    • setting for custom buton text
  • parse UL list DOM fragment string using PHP
  • add button and classes
  • base state (no-js, print):
    • all list items are visible, read-more button is invisible
    • CSS classes are ready for enhanced read-more state:
  • progressive enhancement:
    • JS adds class name(s) to show button and hide subsequent list items initially
    • JS adds button event handler that removes class name to switch to all-visible state

admin setting draft:

[ ] Liste mit mehr als 4 Listenpunkten kürzen (inital 3 sichtbar + Link "mehr anzeigen..." um den Rest auszuklappen)
optional: abweichende Beschriftung statt "mehr anzeigen"/"show more":

existing HTML markup:

        <ul class="offers__offer__features__list"><li>
        Kostenloses Vorgespräch</li>
 	Virtuelle Beratung via Videoanruf</li>
 	Beratung zu Farbe und Schnitt der Kleidungsstücke</li>
 	Hilfe bei Kaufentscheidungen von online gekauften Kleidungsstücken</li>

experimental code snippets:

    if ($get_option('show_more') && list.matches(/<li>?/).length > 3) {
        $listItems = split('<li>', $list);
        $listExcerpt = join ('<li>', $listItems[0], $listItems[1], $listItems[2]);
        $listMore = join ('<li class="offers__offer__features__list__more">', array_slice( $listItems, 3 ));
        echo $listExcerpt . <<<EOF
<li class="offers__offer__features__list__readmore">
  <a href="#offerId-list-more">_e('mehr lesen', KLEIDERORDNUNG)</a></li>

obsolete CSS code draft, discarded as overengineered, fragile, unmaintainable:

  .offers__offer__features__list__readmore::marker { svg(caret-down) }
  .offer-list-more + li,
  .offer-list-more:target ~ li ~ .offer-list-more
   { display: none }
  .offer-list-more:target ~ li,
  .offers__offer__features__list__readmore a.opened ~ li,
  .offers__offer__features__list__readmore a:active ~ li { visible }
  ^ ganz ohne JS wirkt reichlich overeingineered

more minimal CSS approach

  .offers__offer__features__list__readmore::marker { svg(caret-down) }
   .offers__offer__features__list__readmore { display: none; }
   .offers__offer__features__list__readmore.visible { display: initial; }
   .offers__offer__features__list__more.hidden { display: none; }

ready for review and integration test on stage