openjfx / samples

JavaFX samples to run with different options and build tools

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cli example is missing the jmods folder.

odinsbane opened this issue · comments

I downloaded the most recent openjfx files and tried to use this example and I get an error about not finding the jmods for javafx. The recent sdk does not include any jmod files and I need to include --module-path $FX_SDK:$FX_JMODS to build/run the program.

Sorry, I included both of them, but it appears I need to compile with the jmods folder and run the skd/lib folder so the error is that the javac part points to the sdk, but it should point to the jmods.

To do the non-modular example I also need to use information from this post:

And create a main class that doesn't contain any javafx stuff.

The JavaFX 11 jmods are not distributed with the samples, they have to be downloaded, like you would download the JavaFX SDK, from the Gluon site for your given platform.

As you can read in the docs, you have to use jmods for creating an image with jlink. For compiling the SDK is good enough.

Yes but your example uses the LIBS for both javac and java it is a small fix in your to make it correct.

From the readme..


javac --module-path $PATH_TO_FX --add-modules=javafx.controls

Okay, on the page you reference, they say you can use either, but when I tried it I had to use the jmods directory to compile. Ill look at it again later and see if I did something else incorrect.

I started fresh, and it worked just the sdk folder.

Thank you for your examples.