openid / AppAuth-JS

JavaScript client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.

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How do I properly save the "code_verifier" string to a cookie?

bobber205 opened this issue · comments

Not sure what a propery workflow is here.

I have two routes



Before I call performAuthorizationRequest the request object doesn't have anything set for internal.code_verifier.

If I do this

let json = await authRequest.toJSON() it calls this

setupCodeVerifier(): Promise<void> {
and sets the internal.code_verifier value.

Makes sense right?

But internal.code_verifier it reset with each request and there is no way to set it before a request. How should I properly access this value so I can save it to say a local http only cookie or in the session object so that when my /callback route is called I pass as part of the arguments to performTokenRequest ?

FWIW you can call toJSON() and it sets a different value to internal.code_verifier each time. Is that on purpose?

  • AppAuth-JS version: latest__
  • AppAuth-JS Environment (Node, Browser (UserAgent), ...): nodejs 16_
  • Source code snippts (inline or JSBin)

You can build your own AuthorizationRequestHandler that saves the code_verifier to storage. Use the existing one as reference.