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STA V2.0 Design Draft

humaidkidwai opened this issue · comments

I designed a draft data model that addresses some of the concerns the community has had over the past couple of years and also attempts to align with OMS V3.

STA (1)

In TC Singapore, perhaps this was debated as to whether or not is it really a collection of observations or just a Datastream renamed to ObservationCollection.
[1] As per OMS, an ObservationCollection should be homogeneous or summarizing type.
[2] Should ObservationCollection be allowed to contain different types of observations that may potentially violate the OBSC req set out by OMS? Will it help in addressing issues?
[3] resultType is adopted as per SWE Common JSON schema (see #122 )

This entity describes the current state of observers (read Sensors) in their association with Host (Thing (?))
[1] position property may be used to describe geographic location of sensors for moving things?

See #160
Do we need it?

In order to introduce sampling in STA, FoI can be specialized further to pFOI and uFOI as specified in OMS. This also allows to extend pFOI by introducing and linking Sampling entitites with it. pFOI may act as a Sample proxy in the design

Please feel free to critique and put forward your suggestions

edit: changed the out-dated in-line image to a link to avoid possible confusion

Core Model:

STA v2.0 Core Model

OM Extension

Adds Deployment and ObservingProcedure
OM Extension Data Model

Sampling Data Model:

Tasking Data Model

Relations Data Model:

Tasking Data Model

Tasking Data Model:

Tasking Data Model

Tasking Data Model, illustrating the mirroring of Tasking and Sensing:

Tasking Data Model

resultTime::Observation, time::PreparationStep needs to be of type TM_Instant. As described in #177 the way OData defines it is DateTimeOffset, this should be elaborated in the OData binding section of the standard and not in the data model.

I fixed the image.

Is the Deployment entity to be included in the Core Sensing Part of the document?

Updated images:
observationType --> resultType
deploymentTime --> time
samplingTime --> time
samplingLocation --> location
Sampling/parameters --> properties
Sampling/location type --> ANY

Changed Sampling -> Thing relation cardinality to 0..1.
There is no need to require a Thing/Host for a Sampling, since the domain relation SampledFeature is mandatory.

I've created a prototype for testing with this data model:

It has the V2 proposed data model with the v1.1 API.

I've created a prototype for testing with this data model:

It has the V2 proposed data model with the v1.1 API.

Hello, would it be possible to download the FROST-MODELV2 prototype from github?

Hello, would it be possible to download the FROST-MODELV2 prototype from github?

Yes, you can use the Docker images for it:

Or build it yourself from the develop-dataModelV2 branch

Enable the V2 model with the environment variables:

# Disable V1 model
# Enable model loader, needed for the v2 plugin
# Enable V2 model
# Enable the (optional) OM model
# Enable the (optional) Sampling model
# Enable the (optional) Relations model

The database is currently not compatible with the V1 model, so don't put this over an existing V1.1 installation. Things may also break in the future...

Shouldn't we have the core trinity (name, definition, description) of STA attributes on ALL Classes.

Somehow PreparationStep got link in place of definition, Sensor has never had a definition. Anything against doing this?

I've put the build of my latest draft at: