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Using Android2Po for easy translations

teolemon opened this issue · comments

  • easy_install android2po
  • a2po COMMAND --android myproject/res --gettext myproject/locale
  • a2po init de fr

I'll then set up a git import to Launchpad. That way, we can capitalize on the existing translations, and translator community.

commited initial gettext export and imported the translations to Launchpad.
Translation work ongoing >>

Added to the README

The link mentioned in the readme and here does not work (anymore). Where is the Android translation project?


I had a go at the German translations for both Android app and server. I noticed inconsistencies regarding formal or informal language. I made sure that for the server all strings are in formal language. For the Android app now all strings are in informal language, but this should probably be changed to match the server. How is this handled in French or other languages?

Another thing: I noticed that the note regarding self-made photos is not present in the Android app. I think this is important. Should this be a separate bug report?

We French only use Vous. Any casual language is out of the question :-) Haben Sie verstanden ?
Please file the report :-)