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OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple

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End-user community /

alexellis opened this issue · comments

If your company has adopted OpenFaaS then you can add your use-case to the file and/or request your logo to be listed. All logos listed must have an entry in the file.

You will need to request authorisation from your manager and employer.


  1. Send a PR to with a brief description of how you're using OpenFaaS, this should include your use-case
  2. Individual sponsorships can be arranged via GitHub Sponsors - if you're implementing or managing OpenFaaS, then you should subscribe to get the newsletters on updates, security patches and features -
  3. Corporations that use OpenFaaS in production should contribute towards its upkeep, whilst the software may be used under the terms of the MIT License, it requires full-time engineering. Pick a tier - bronze/gold/platinum -
  4. By sponsoring your logo is associated with one of the fastest growing Open Source developer communities, you also reduce the risk of the project going away due to lack of funds
  5. Email with written permission for the logo to be listed and comment on this thread if you like.

Asset for logo: we will need a URL to a svg or transparent png logo, a text title and a company URL.

Logos are shown at

Other inspiration from the CNCF End User Community -

Contiamo is using OpenFaaS and would like to be included on the page. What format, shape, and size should the logo be?

It would be ideal if it was a similar format / shape to the ones on the CNCF page linked above.

Hello @alexellis !

Dim Solution is using OpenFaas (soon in production), you can use our logo:


Iconscout - Design Assets Marketplace

We're using OpenFaaS in Production.

Happy to have Packet included on this list - our OpenFaaS use for demos has been awesome!

Thanks @alexellis,
Happy to have Citrix included.

Logo: Citrix.svg

Hi @alexellis
Happy to have Scaleway included.

Hi @alexellis,
Please include Vision Banco SAECA, we are using OpenFaaS in production to serve a couple (and counting) of requests at the home banking page.

@alexellis as discussed I've started having a look at integrating these into the site


Nice issue.
You may add us too!
Using OpenFaaS voor integration and callable AI/ML models for asset management.

Thank you @MarsWarrior, would the company name be Intraffic? 👍


If you could change Intraffic to InTraffic (capital T) everything is ok!

Happy to have Virality included.

@lucasalexander, could you give me the link to the logo for Contiamo? Thank you.

@tarunmangukiya Thank you for the links! It seems the logo's link is dead. Could you give me a new link for the logo? Thank you.

Sorry for that. Fixed the issue!

Here they are

Happy to have Ustore included.

We're using Open Faas in production


We would be glad to have added to the list and are thankful for the excellent help and cooperation from the OpenFaaS team.

@alexellis GalaxyCard is a happy user of OpenFaas as well.

Our logo: Logo
Website: Website

Do you have an SVG logo?

Thank you @heroic . Looks like the SVG has White text? PNG is fine so I'll use the png version 👍

@kenfdev You can fill the svg with #0079f3, if you'd like to use SVG

Would love to have MoneyLion included. Thanks for all the great work!


SVG Logo

Thank you @ameier38 ! The logos would appear as soon as we merge the following:

@alexellis @kenfdev
Here is my company's logo and web site:

Thank you!

Thanks @ngcdev - could you send a quick email over to

Feel free to add Bulletproof:

Background on how we're using OpenFaaS:

Bulletproof are using OpenFaaS to build an on demand and scalable Vulnerability Scanning (VA) engine. Using OpenFaaS allows us to use compute resource efficiently yet maintain the ability to grow to meet customer scanning demands. We also like the ability to use pure docker containers to compose multiple scanning tools with different technologies into a single, coherent interface. This has reduced the time need to add new tools to the platform.

@DMajrekar thank you very much. Do you have a SVG version of the logo available, too?


Background on how we're using OpenFaaS:

Naamio are providing an event-based serverless API to developers to enable rapid development of decentralized applications on the cloud. By providing progressive enhancement within the developer tools, OpenFaaS has enabled Naamio to go from clustered Docker container deployments with REST APIs using Kubernetes, to load balanced deployable functions over an open event queue interface. It was key to enabling a standard multilingual development kit across cloud providers.

Logo URL:

Ping @ngcdev can you email me? Do you have an email otherwise?

Thank you Guy. Would you also like a slack invitation?

Thanks Alex, and I welcome your slack invite.

Hi @gdillen I think you got an invite into Slack?

I'm looking into adding the logo now.



Please feel to add LivePerson as a user too:

Background on usage:

We use OpenFaaS to enable our customers to tailor the platform to there needs. Basically allowing them to implement custom functionality, in a function, to specified events within the platform. We build a complete developer experience around OpenFaaS, which is at the core and mostly responsible for computation (hosting) and scaling.

Thank you Simon 👍

I received written permission from Joost Noppen, Principal Researcher Software at BT to list their logo (subject to conditions). This is now live and part of the docs homepage.

Please add us too.

Background on usage:

  • We are using OpenFaaS from the Web hook to operate the production server.

Thank you @nwiizo 👍 can you say a bit more about your usecase please?

Please add us.

Background on usage:

At Transmute we use OpenFaaS to develop identity and access integrations leveraging decentralized identities that integrate with legacy IAM systems. OpenFaaS helps Transmute and our customers avoid vendor lock in, encourages modularity, and helps us rapidly develop and release integrations for customers.


Please add us as well

Background for usage:
At Dragonchain, we focus on creating a hybrid blockchain-as-a-service product, with integrations of OpenFaaS as our 'smart contract' platform, to be able to automatically run customer code based on interactions that occur on the blockchain. This allows us to be extremely flexible, as customers only have to create a docker container and give it to us in order to create a 'smart contract' which can have deep integrations with our blockchain itself.

Please add us too:

@dirkkolb thank you. Can you let us know a bit more about your use case too?

Background for usage:
At Traversals, we use OpenFaaS for processing of incoming data. We take benefit from various programming languages available in OpenFaaS.

The logo is now live 🎉

processing of incoming data

Can you speak any more to this or the sector / industry? Feel free to reach out over email or Slack if that's easier. 👍

Hi Alex,

Press Association is using OpenFaaS in development and production as part of our deployment pipeline.

I've also sent you a mail.


Chris Thorpe.


We are a french professional hoster that use OpenFaaS in dev and production inside our private extranet. We use OpenFaaS to split our historic monolith project and then simplify development/maintainability and speed up development times.


I'm using it also 😃

@ipedrazas very exciting!

You have to tell me a bit more about it tonight.

if you have anything to post on this thread I'm sure the community would enjoy hearing about it.

For anyone who has a case-study, blog post, or can summarise their usage in 2-3 sentences it would be great to have you contribute to the file. I've added a few examples we know about to help you figure out what to write.

Happy to have Podkite included.



@JaySunSyn that's great, can you please send a PR to with a brief description of how you're using OpenFaaS?

Individual and company sponsorships are also welcome via GitHub, just pay whatever you want. - all sponsors get access to regular Insiders' Updates.

Reminder to everyone on this thread, that you can list your specific use-case in the file -> Thank you 👍

Happy to be included on this list.

We have 1-st production deployment, happy to be included

xSale (our product):

Next use cases are already in a final stage of development. Hopefully, they will be deployed to production before Friday.

@goncalo-oliveira can you tell us more about your usecase in the adopters file at the top of the page? The PR will go up for the logo after that.

@przemeqq thank you for reaching out. It's good to hear about your plans. Could you add your usecase to the adopters file to give people an idea of what you're using the project for? Thanks, Alex

@przemeqq @goncalo-oliveira @JaySunSyn @Jerome1337 @dirkkolb I need you both to see the updated instructions before we can move forward. #776

@przemeqq @goncalo-oliveira @JaySunSyn @Jerome1337 @dirkkolb I need you both to see the updated instructions before we can move forward. #776

@alexellis what else is missing? I had already updated the adopters file.


Fonix Telematics - "We are using OpenFaaS to build our new generation of APIs."

^ this is quite vague, can you add some more details please? Thanks 👍 Then I'd be happy to add your company's logo when back at the office week beginning 6th Jan.


Fonix Telematics - "We are using OpenFaaS to build our new generation of APIs."

^ this is quite vague, can you add some more details please? Thanks 👍 Then I'd be happy to add your company's logo when back at the office week beginning 6th Jan.

There are others way more vague it seems! :) But sure, I'll try to detail it a bit more.

Much appreciated.

As a minor change, the homepage no-longer links to end-user companies, homepage sponsors do still get a link back. More at

We are still accepting new use-cases and entries for the adopters file ->

I will be happy to have the following use case listed.

The Green Village is a living lab at Delft University of Technology. It is an experimental, real-life setting with the goal to accelerate innovation for a sustainable future. SURF, a cooperative association of Dutch educational and research institutions providing digital infrastructure and ICT services, has developed a digital platform for The Green Village that uses OpenFaaS to classify and sort incoming sensor data at scale.

Hi folks, we're all really excited that you are using OpenFaaS at work for development or production.

We've now got a live page for commercial users and companies to sponsor the project and give a little back and ensure a bright future.

More at:

Feel free to ask me questions.

For those who aren't interested in Sponsoring (spoiler: out of dozens only one does at present), we also have a Premium Subscription that offers SSO, roadmap influence and a host of other benefits.

Going forward, please see: #1591 alternatively feel free to email us from

/lock: conversation moved.