openeyes / Docker

Docker build for openeyes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Additional configuration and information required to stand up portainer instance

nathanieloon opened this issue · comments


There's some additional information/rewording required to standup the portainer instance:

  • The SSL host is currently hardcoded as in a couple of places in the docker-compose.yml file
  • A dummy acme.json file is required for traefik to stand up correctly
  • There's a deprecated traefik acme parameter (I don't think this causes any issues though)
  • Improve the README where possible

@biskyt I've got a branch with all of these changes but I don't have access to push to the repo so I can't create a PR for it.

@nathanieloon - if you create a PR from your repo then I can check and merge