openethereum / parity-ethereum

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Goerli sync error

keviinfoes opened this issue · comments

OpenEthereum version: v3.0.0
Operating system: MacOS [High Sierra 10.13]
Installation: built from source
Network: goerli

actual behavior:
When starting the goerli sync the following error is shown: "Thread 'main' panicked at 'attempted to leave type linked_hash_map::Node<ethereum_types::H256, block_state::CliqueBlockState> uninitialized, which is invalid', /rustc/8fe73e80d762bc575040239fc05fb1c612873554/library/core/src/mem/".

expected behavior:
Sync to the goerli chain. The main chain syncs without an error.

Reproduce by building from source on High Sierra and run start command with--chain goerli.