OpenECG / DeepFCN

Deep learning tool for predicting individual differences (e.g. IQ, diagnostic status, etc.) from brain networks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


DeepFCN is a deep learning tool for predicting individual differences (e.g. classifying subjects with vs. without autism) from functional connectivity networks (FCNs).

It employs a Graph Neural Network (GNN) as a predictive model and offers control over every step in the machine learning pipeline, including:

  1. Extracting FCNs and features from fMRI data
  2. Preprocessing the FCNs (e.g. dropping outliers, normalization)
  3. Designing the GNN
  4. Training and testing the GNN


You can install DeepFCN from PyPi:

$ pip install deepfcn

Introduction by Example

We'll introduce the features of DeepFCN by applying it to the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) dataset. Our goal is to train a model to predict whether a subject is diagnosed with autism.

Loading the Dataset

We'll use the nilearn library to load the ABIDE dataset and a cortical brain atlas, which we'll use to parcellate the brain into regions of interest (ROIs):

import numpy as np
from nilearn.datasets import fetch_abide_pcp, fetch_coords_power_2011
from nilearn.input_data import NiftiSpheresMasker

autism_subjects = fetch_abide_pcp(DX_GROUP=1)["func_preproc"]
control_subjects = fetch_abide_pcp(DX_GROUP=2)["func_preproc"]

atlas = fetch_coords_power_2011()
coords = np.vstack((atlas.rois["x"], atlas.rois["y"], atlas.rois["z"])).T
roi_masker = NiftiSpheresMasker(seeds=coords, radius=5.0)

Preparing the Dataset

The next step is to convert the subjects into data examples that can be submitted to a GNN. A single example is described by an instance of, which has following attributes:

  1. node_features (numpy.ndarray): Node feature matrix with shape [num_nodes, num_node_features], where num_nodes == num_rois
  2. fc_matrix (numpy.ndarray): 3D functional connectivity matrix with shape [num_nodes, num_nodes, num_fc_features]; represents a multi-edge FCN, where each edge corresponds to a different measure of functional connectivity (e.g. correlation, covariance)
  3. y (int): Target to train against (e.g. 0 for autism, 1 for control)

To convert the ABIDE dataset into a set of examples, we'll use the function. This takes a set of fMRI scans (NiftiImage objects) as input and, for each scan, extracts the BOLD time series for each ROI, constructs an FCN, and extracts features to build an Example object. The method has the following parameters:

  1. images (list): List of NiftiImage objects, each corresponding to a subject's fMRI scan
  2. label (int): Integer representing the target variable (i.e. y)
  3. roi_masker (NiftiMasker): Mask to apply when extracting time series
  4. fc_features (list, optional (default=["correlation"])): List of connectivity measures to use; options are listed in this table
  5. node_features (list, optional (default=["mean"])): List of node features to extract; options are listed in this table
  6. n_jobs (int, optional (default=multiprocessing.cpu_count())): Number of CPUs to split up the work across

In our example, we'll use "correlation" and "dtw" (Dynamic Time Warping) as our connectivity measures, and "mean", "variance", and "entropy" as our node features:

from import create_examples

fc_features = ["correlation", "dtw"]
node_features = ["mean", "variance", "entropy"]

examples = create_examples(autism_subjects, label=0, roi_masker=roi_masker,
                           fc_features=fc_features, node_features=node_features)
examples += create_examples(control_subjects, label=1, roi_masker=roi_masker,
                           fc_features=fc_features, node_features=node_features)

If you wanted to define your own create_examples function, DeepFCN provides some helpers:

  1., roi_masker): Extracts the BOLD time series for each ROI
  2., feature_names): Creates a FCN from time series data
  3., feature_names): Extracts node/ROI features from time series data

Preprocessing the Dataset

Now that we have a set of examples, the next step is to preprocess those examples before submitting them to a model. DeepFCN provides functions for cleaning graph-structured data, which we'll walk through below.

Dropping Outliers

Because there's no "right" way to compare FCNs, there's also no right way to detect outliers in our dataset. However, DeepFCN still provides a technique for doing so,

from import drop_outliers

drop_outliers(examples, cutoff=0.05)

This function does the following:

  1. Creates a vector representation of each example by averaging the node features and concatenating that with the mean of the edge features
  2. Calculates the Mahalanobis distance between each vector and the other example vectors
  3. Uses a Chi-Squared distribution to remove examples with distances outside a cutoff threshold (e.g. p < 0.05)

Dropping Edges

Within a FCN, there may be weak edges that represent noise rather than connectivity, and dropping them can improve performance of the GNN. allows you to identify such edges and drop the ones below a connectivity threshold. If there are multiple connectivity measures associated with an edge, then only the first one is compared against the threshold. In our example, we'll drop the weakest 10% of edges from each example based on their correlation:

from import drop_edges

drop_edges(examples, cutoff=0.10)

Note that since some functional connectivity measures, such as correlation, are such that negative values are just as meaningful as positive values, only the absolute value is used –– e.g. a connectivity of -0.5 is considered stronger than 0.3.

Preparing the GNN

Now that we've prepared our dataset, the next step is to create a GNN. This only takes one line of code to do:

from deepfcn.gnn import create_gnn

gnn = create_gnn(examples)

By default, this function will autoconfigure the GNN parameters based on the number of node and edge features in the example set. It returns a PyTorch nn.Module object that leverages the NNConv and global_mean_pool functions from PyTorch Geometric, a graph classification library. If you want more control over how the GNN is configured, DeepFCN lets you tune various hyperparameters, listed below:

  1. num_node_features (int): Number of node features in each input example
  2. num_edge_features (int): Number of edge features in each input example
  3. hidden_channels (list): List of hidden channel sizes for each layer in the GNN; length of list corresponds to number of layers in the GNN
  4. use_pooling (bool): Boolean indicating whether or not to use top k pooling after each layer in the GNN
  5. dropout_prob (float): Dropout probability to be applied to each GNN layer
  6. global_pooling_mode (str): Type of global pooling to use; options are "mean", for global_mean_pooling, and "attention", for GlobalAttention
  7. conv_activation_func (nn.Module): Activation function to apply to the output of each graph convolution; must be a PyTorch activation function
  8. edge_nn_kwargs (dict): TODO
  9. output_nn_kwargs (dict): TODO

These are all parameters in the deepfcn.gnn.create_gnn function.

Training and Testing the GNN

DeepFCN offers a predefined and configurable training loop, deepfcn.gnn.cross_validate, to save you the trouble of creating your own. It has the following parameters:

  1. examples (list): List of example objects (i.e. your dataset)
  2. gnn (nn.Module): PyTorch module representing the GNN to train and test (e.g. the output of create_gnn)
  3. k (int): Number of folds to create for k-fold cross-validation
  1. lr (float, optional (default=1e-3)): Learning rate
  2. epochs (int, optional (default=100)): Number of epochs to train for
  3. verbose (bool): If True, training logs will be written to stdout
from deepfcn.gnn import cross_validate

results = cross_validate(examples, gnn, k=5, epochs=200)

This function returns a list of dictionaries, each holding the cross-validation results for an epoch. The dictionaries have the following keys: "train_accuracy", "test_accuracy", "test_precision", "test_recall", "loss". Each key holds a list of k values, where each value corresponds to a fold used in cross-validation.

Because gnn is just a PyTorch module, you can also create your own training loop. Just note that doing this will require calling the to_data_obj() instance method on your objects to convert them into objects consumable by PyTorch Geometric modules.

Visualizing Results



FC Features

Feature Description
correlation Pearson correlation coefficient between the signals associated with two nodes/ROIs.
dtw Speed-adjusted similarity between the two signals, calculated using the dynamic time warping algorithm.
granger_causality Probability that activity in one node predicts the other.
efficiency Multiplicative inverse of the shortest path distance between two nodes. Distance between two nodes is measured as the inverse of the absolute value of correlation.

Node Features

Feature Description
entropy Complexity of the node's signal, based on approximate entropy of the time series.
fractal_dim Complexity of the node's signal, based on the fractal dimension of the time series.
lyap_r Largest Lyapunov exponent, calculated by applying the Rosenstein et al. algorithm to the time series. Positive exponents indicate chaos and unpredictability.
dfa Measure of the "long-term memory" of a node's signal, computed using detrended fluctuation analysis.
mean Mean of the node's signal.
median Median of the node's signal.
range Range of the node's signal.
std Standard deviation of the node's signal.
auto_corr Auto-correlation of the node's signal.
auto_cov Auto-covariance of the node's signal.
weighted_degree Weighted degree of the node, calculated by averaging the connectivity (correlation) of all its edges.
clustering_coef Clustering coefficient for the node, where correlation is used as edge weight.
closeness_centrality Reciprocal of the average shortest path distance to the node over all n-1 reachable nodes. Distance between two nodes is measured as the reciprocal of their connectivity (correlation).
betweenness_centrality Sum of the fraction of all-pais shortest paths that pass through the node.


Deep learning tool for predicting individual differences (e.g. IQ, diagnostic status, etc.) from brain networks

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%