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remove log output from stdout

mjsduncan opened this issue · comments

is there any way to turn of the log output from the stdout stream? it breaks pipes using the moses binary.

@mjsduncan, yes you can turn off stdout either via the C++ API


or via the Scheme API

(cog-logger-set-stdout! #f)

However my default that's what moses should do. In which context do get that problem?

thanks! it broke my R wrapper which takes the output directly from the binary. if this is standard now shouldn't saving results to file be built in? right now it's an optional flag.

turning it off via the command line would be ideal.

Oh, so you don't mean the logging system I think, just the output results, the candidates and their scores, right?

Can't you just redirect moses' output to /dev/null?

Actually there's an option, -o, is that doing what you need?

the R code runs the binary and gets the output directly from stdout so now i have to filter out the log lines before further processing. this is fairly new behavior, a few months ago it wasn't necessary (maybe longer, it's been awhile since i used moses through R). my workaround now is to use the -o option to save the output and have R read the file.

@mjsduncan what do you mean by "log lines"? Do you mean what is written in moses.log? Like

[2018-10-17 09:09:56:688] [INFO] moses version 3.6.10
[2018-10-17 09:09:56:688] [INFO] hostname: sofia-desktop
[2018-10-17 09:09:56:688] [INFO] Command line: moses -Hpa -k4 -m10000 -j4
[2018-10-17 09:09:56:688] [INFO] Alphabet size = 7 output = boolean
[2018-10-17 09:09:56:688] [INFO] BScore complexity ratio = 3.5
[2018-10-17 09:09:56:689] [INFO] Cache composite scores
[2018-10-17 09:09:56:689] [INFO] Inferred target score = 0


This shouldn't pollute the stdout, if it does, something is weird.

those are the lines i'm talking about. after testing further this is an R bug, the R function that runs shell binaries is now somehow pulling the log output as well as the final results from what is supposed to only be the "stdout" source. sorry for not checking this first.