JulianKniephoff opened this issue · comments
The documentation of this project is horribly outdated or outright lacking. Some obvious glaring "omissions":
- Up-to-date and easy-to-follow installation instructions
- Instructions for how to set up a proper development environment
- A user manual!
At todays OAT meeting we discussed existing oat user manuals; we were asked to share a partially outdated version of our interactive book h5p activity which could be included in LMS or be exported with lumi and which is attached:
Download: OAT - User Manual - Opencast Annotation Tool - German Manual for LMS based on H5P
I added it to the wiki, thanks!
Could you also add our manuals (University of Bern)? Thx!
ILIAS 7.0 Anleitung - Videoannotation für Studierende_Opencast.pptx
ILIAS 7.0 Anleitung - Videoannotation mit Opencast.pptx
Done! 😃