openai / procgen

Procgen Benchmark: Procedurally-Generated Game-Like Gym-Environments

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Installing from source [Win10] [Anaconda]

trancenoid opened this issue · comments

I noticed a peculiarity while installing procgen as mentioned in

  1. pip install procgen doesn't work for some reason on python 3.9.6 (conda)
  2. conda needs to be on "PATH" in windows for the python -c from procgen import ProcgenGym3Env; ProcgenGym3Env(num=1, env_name='coinrun') to succeed
  1. There are no wheels for 3.9, if the CI works it may be easy to publish these soon
  2. That makes sense, I'd accept a PR to clarify the docs or improve the error message

Going to close this since there should be 3.9 wheels, feel free to file a new issue if there are other issues.