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Encoding Error on Windows with WandB

kpister opened this issue · comments

When syncing with openai wandb sync, I get a character encoding issue on one of the run files. This happens specifically on Windows which often struggles with the default encoding on a file with open(filename).

One solution is artifact.new_file(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") on line 279 of the which solves the problem locally for me. Alternatively, using a default of "utf-8" in the artifact.new_file function should work too, but might have other unintended side effects.

Here is the output:

wandb: ERROR Failed to open the provided file (UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u03bc' in position 205764: character maps to <undefined>). Please provide the proper encoding.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\miniconda3\lib\", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "C:\Users\kaiser\miniconda3\lib\", line 87, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "C:\venv\Scripts\openai.exe\", line 7, in <module>
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 63, in main
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 586, in sync
    resp = openai.wandb_logger.WandbLogger.sync(
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 74, in sync
    fine_tune_logged = [
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 75, in <listcomp>
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 172, in _log_fine_tune
    cls._log_artifacts(fine_tune, project, entity)
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 236, in _log_artifacts
    cls._log_artifact_inputs(file, prefix, artifact_type, project, entity)
  File "C:\venv\lib\site-packages\openai\", line 280, in _log_artifact_inputs
  File "C:\Users\miniconda3\lib\encodings\", line 19, in encode
    return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u03bc' in position 205764: character maps to <undefined>

Great catch, and you got the correct fix!
Thanks, I made a PR.