openai / neural-mmo

Code for the paper "Neural MMO: A Massively Multiagent Game Environment for Training and Evaluating Intelligent Agents"

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Page stuck

tonghaining opened this issue · comments

After I run
Terminal shows out:
python --render testlaw128 , NENT: 128 , NPOP: 8 testchaos128 , NENT: 128 , NPOP: 8 sample , NENT: 128 , NPOP: 8 Enabling local test mode for render Initializing new model... Loading model... #Params: 1484.264 K pygame 1.9.4 Hello from the pygame community. Uptime: 0.6 , Tick: 1 Uptime: 1.2 , Tick: 2 Uptime: 1.8 , Tick: 3 Uptime: 2.4 , Tick: 4 Uptime: 3.0 , Tick: 5 Uptime: 3.6 , Tick: 6 Uptime: 4.2 , Tick: 7 Uptime: 4.8 , Tick: 8 Created a server WebSocket connection request: {"peer": "tcp4:", "headers": {"host": "localhost:8080", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0", "accept": "*/*", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate", "sec-websocket-version": "13", "origin": "http://localhost:8080", "sec-websocket-extensions": "permessage-deflate", "sec-websocket-key": "IZS4kvPcZ2OdzO76g41ohg==", "connection": "keep-alive, Upgrade", "pragma": "no-cache", "cache-control": "no-cache", "upgrade": "websocket"}, "host": "localhost", "path": "/ws", "params": {}, "version": 13, "origin": "http://localhost:8080", "protocols": [], "extensions": [["permessage-deflate", {}]]} Opened connection to server Uptime: 5.4 , Tick: 9 Uptime: 6.0 , Tick: 10 Uptime: 6.6 , Tick: 11 Uptime: 7.2 , Tick: 12 Uptime: 7.8 , Tick: 13 Uptime: 8.4 , Tick: 14 Uptime: 9.0 , Tick: 15 Uptime: 9.6 , Tick: 16 Uptime: 10.2 , Tick: 17 Uptime: 10.8 , Tick: 18
But the page of http://localhost:8080/forge/embyr/ are shown as
Screenshot from 2019-04-06 14-57-19

And no reaction whatever I click.

I'll need some additional information in order to help

  1. Do you get any errors running without --render (this will just hang until you kill it, but the renderer sometimes surpresses obvious server error messages)

  2. Does the Web Developer mode on Firefox show any errors?

  1. Below is the output without --render of python
    Screenshot from 2019-04-07 09-09-06

  2. Yes,
    Screenshot from 2019-04-07 09-07-33

Oh, you're just missing three.js. Did you run the setup for the client? This should just download it for you.

Glad to help